corn flake

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.corn flake - crisp flake made from corn
cold cereal, dry cereal - a cereal that is not heated before serving
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References in periodicals archive ?
So many people began enquiring about the creation of the humble corn flake only to discover something pretty shocking.
KELLOGG'S has cut the size of its Corn Flake packets - but not the price.
* Deep Fried Corn Flake Beer-battered Twinkies: For a little added crunch and extra flavor, try this beer-battered corn flake recipe from ( GardenFork.TV . 
1906: In America, William Kellogg formed the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company to make the breakfast cereal he developed as a health food for mental patients.
Roll balls in corn flake crumbs and place on foil-lined baking sheet.
A dip in sales of just over pounds 1 million for the corn flake favourite allowed its arch-rival to clinch the top spot.
Kelloggs was originally the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company.
A dip in sales of just over pounds 1m for the corn flake favourite allowed its arch-rival to clinch the top spot.
Tasty is a chewy Rice Pop and chocolate chip bar, whereas, Easy is a chewy Corn Flake bar crammed with dried fruits and nuts as well as crunchy flakes.
The World's first Corn Flake was discovered by accident.
Summary: Sydney [Australia], July 6 (ANI): Imagine this - a vegan ice cream, dipped in chocolate, sprinkled with corn flakes and wait for it- deep fried!
FOOD giant Kellogg's has shrunk big boxes of Corn Flakes - while keeping the price the same at PS2.69.