Corn husker

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Corn husker

A metal hook that was strapped on to a hand to help in husking corn.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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The other advanced intermediate suite is "Nebraska: The Corn Husker State," by Bernadine Johnson, which begins with a tricky alia breve four-part march in four flats.
Democrats had locked themselves behind massive doors cooking up the modern version of the Louisiana Purchase, the Corn Husker kickback and Union give-aways.
Anderson's companies already fabricate Energy Wise's lighting systems, bus parts for a Los Angeles transit district and corn husker machines that are sold in 28 countries around the globe.
But Yoder's had it, though Jones can't recall what the woman wanted so badly...perhaps a hand corn husker or a coal scuttle or a huge copper kettle.
The conmen act under the business names of Ultimate Freedom, Exclusive Travel Offers and Corn Husker
Rosenthal Corn Husker Co., Milwaukee, pioneered development of the husker in 1896.
Fifteen-year-old August Rosenthal, the son of German immigrants, began toying with the idea of a corn husker on his parents' farm near Reedsburg, Wis., in 1882.
Meanwhile, in 1860, a man named Samuel Johnston (about whom nothing much is known) began a long string of inventions in a tiny New York hamlet called West Shelby by patenting a hand-held corn husker.
He was named Wyandot County and Ohio state champion in 1937; won the national contest in Des Moines, Iowa, and recorded 151.55 bushels per acre on his entire farm in 1981; received the Goodyear Conservation Award in 1982; and was named All American Corn Husker in 1987.
cut; the Folding Daisy; the Corn Harvester; the Corn Husker and Fodder Shredder and the Hand and Self-dump Hay Rakes 8 ft., 10 ft.
4 mower and Big 4 mower, hand and self-dump steel hay rakes, self-binding corn harvester, corn husker and shredder, header, and manual-delivery reaper.