cock rock

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cock rock

(Pop Music) an aggressive style of rock music performed by male bands
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I think it sounds something like Motorhead, G.I.S.M from Japan and Howlin' Wolf Also, cock rock with some Ozzyera '80s sounding guitars.
Cockermouth Rock Festival, July 19-21,Wellington Farm, Cockermouth, Cumbria, The Cribs, Wiley, Reverend and the Makers and Kids In Glass Houses have all been signed up to the affectionately titled 'Cock Rock' which returns to the edge of the Lake District this month.
"They were often shrugged off as being this bombastic, heavy metal, cock rock band, which is completely and utterly not true.
Steve Waksman's treatment of "cock rock" merged sophisticated cultural theory with musical specificity to explore the complex positioning of men and women with respect to music that simultaneously perpetuates sexism and produces liberatory feelings (Steve Waksman, Instruments of Desire: The Electric Guitar and the Shaping of Musical Experience [Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999]).
There are some not very convincing attempts to persuade us that metal is a descendent of Richard Wagner's classical music, plus a look at how the early work of Led Zeppelin spawned death metal, power metal, black metal, new black metal, thrash, grindcore and the cock rock that fills stadiums - and trousers - around the world.
I really don't like cock rock. Well, I don't mind the cock--I just don't like the rock!"
The medium is cock rock, but the message is blue balls.
From Sheila Whitely's discussion of Queen and cock rock to Henry Spiller's analysis of Indonesian pop, this commitment to a broad spectrum of genres not only ensures the book's wide appeal--it also invites comparison between the essays.
CHARLY'S ROCK EN ESPANOL runs the gambit from Beatles-style pop to psychedelia to cock rock to prog-like doodlings to what sounds suspiciously like Adult Contemporary.
Rock 'n' roll makes a comeback with phrases such as Dad rock, cock rock and post-rock.