cochlear nerve

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cochlear nerve

One of two divisions of the vestibulocochlear nerve that facilitate hearing by conducting stimuli to the brain.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Acute inflammatory demyelination in the cochlear nerve or more central auditory tracts may cause sudden retrocochlear hearing loss.
As the vestibular schwannoma grows, it affects the cochlear nerve, causing neuro-sensory hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ear) and dizziness.
Hearing impairment at high and medium frequencies results from the anatomical structure of the cochlear nerve: mid- and high-frequency nerve fibers lie on the outer portion.
"They put an implant in the brain stem above the cochlear nerve nucleus.
It can cause inner ear deafness because the hearing and balance nerve run together, and as the tumour grows it damages the hearing nerve (cochlear nerve).
Although the exact cause still remains unknown, some theories link it to granulomatous compression of the cochlear nerve, deposits of immunocomplexes in the cochlea, and vasculitis of the vasa nervorum and cochlear vessels [3, 5].
Liberman, "Adding insult to injury: cochlear nerve degeneration after "temporary" noise-induced hearing loss," Journal of Neuroscience, vol.
The disease can manifest in profound SNHL, hypothesized to result from disruption of synchronous activity of the cochlear nerve. Given that CMT affects the retrocochlear auditory pathway, there have been theoretical concerns that CI is incapable of providing meaningful auditory stimulation.
suggested that the lesions of AN lied in the VIII brain auditory branch before the cochlea entering the brainstem, including: inner hair cells, synaptic connections between inner hair cells and VIII brain the nerve fibers, spiral ganglion, cochlear nerve fibers, VIII brain nerve and its part associated with the above sites, but they did not include brainstem auditory pathway lesions.1 In this study, the auditory brainstem response of all AN patients from wave I was not induced (>l00 dB SPL), except that wave V was induced from one ear of one patient, and from 19 ears of 14 patients.
A 12-year-old Indian girl, who suffered from hearing loss for a period of two years due to a severe viral infection that damaged the cochlear nerve, has been fit with a cochlear implant at Al Baraha Hospital recently.
This may not represent the functional outcome with CI, which is closely related to the situation of the cochlear nerve. If there is cochlear nerve deficiency, this will have a negative influence on the audiological and speech and language developmental after implantation.