chilling effect

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Related to chilling effect: Chilling Effect Doctrine

chill′ing effect`

a discouraging or deterring effect, esp. one resulting from a restrictive law or regulation.
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I perceived my answer pleased him; he had doubtless expected to see a chilling effect produced by his steady announcement that he would give me neither wine nor spirits; he just shot one searching glance at my face to ascertain whether my cordiality was genuine or a mere feint of politeness.
What she had said to him had a discouraging, a somewhat chilling effect; nevertheless it was not without a certain ardour that he inquired of her whether, so long as she stayed in Washington, he mightn't pay her certain respectful attentions.
'His use of fake facts to question the ownership of Rappler smacks of repressing the free press, and sends a chilling effect to all those who dare report the truth.
Alabaman David Lackey, who told The New York Times he had called the state attorney general's attention to the books, said he hopes that if Barnes & Noble is found guilty, "it will have a chilling effect on the other bookstores in this country."
Ejercito said the 'Duterte chilling effect' helped in keeping drug perpetrators off the streets.
What happened next, however, will have a lasting and chilling effect on journalism and the First Amendment, especially business journalism.
This does not only endanger the profession and render chilling effect but also put the lives of those red-tagged and their families at risk.
Although Medicaid is only ~10% of Acthar sales, the CMS announcement appears to be having a "chilling effect" on fill rates as the injunctive relief process under the Administrative Procedure Act evolves, Petrone tells investors in a research note.
Hontiveros said Albayalde's remarks create a chilling effect and especially to those who would want to avail of the impeachment process as a means to hold the President accountable for his actions.
Mordaunt added: "It is a personal priority of mine that we get this resolved and we stop this chilling effect that is claiming veterans who really deserve our care and respect."
He said: "The arrest of these widely-respected journalists has had a chilling effect on media across Northern Ireland and we are in no doubt that press freedom is now at grave risk."
Meanwhile, Senator Chiz Escudero pointed out the government should avoid causing 'a chilling effect on members of the media' since 'a free and unbridled' fourth estate is essential to bureaucracy.