chill factor

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Related to chill factor: Wind chill factor

chill factor

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

wind′chill fac`tor

the apparent temperature felt on the exposed human body owing to the combination of temperature and wind speed.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Yet knowing how abruptly a real community goes into self-imposed lockdown once a body is discovered, I was not entirely convinced by a novel that depends in places for its chill factor upon the protagonist's inability to remember if he has locked the front door.
However, I was not entirely convinced by a novel that depends in places, for its chill factor, upon the protagonist's inability to remember if he has locked the front door.
According to Consul General Gina Jamoralin, the temperature was reported by the National Weather Service at a record low of -25AdegF (-31AdegC) with wind chill factor of -50AdegF to -55AdegF (-45AdegC to -48AdegC) will hit starting late Tuesday.
Its isolated setting in a snowed-in Scottish retreat adds to the chill factor, and the spoilt friends - or rather frenemies - are brilliantly realised.
Temperatures will peak at 2 degrees - but the wind chill factor will make it feel like -5 degrees.
Temperatures will peak at two degrees - but the wind chill factor will make it feel like -5.
The wind chill factor at Mount Washington in New Hampshire was forecast to reach -100C yesterday.
The wind chill factor will make it feel around -3degC in most places, but outside the snow showers there will be bright sunshine.
THE LIVING AND THE DEAD (BBC 1, Tuesday, 9pm) THE chill factor goes up yet another notch in the second episode of writer Ashley Pharoah's supernatural thriller.
Want to lower the chill factor in your basement but don't want to frame it up or finish it with drywall?
However, this does not indicate that the winter is back as the chill factor will vanish soon when this system moves away.