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Related to canvass: converse


to discuss thoroughly; solicit votes; seek opinions; poll: canvass the neighborhood
Not to be confused with:
canvas – heavy fabric used for making sails; a tent; an oil painting
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


v. can·vassed, can·vass·ing, can·vass·es
1. To examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize: "The evidence had been repeatedly canvassed in American courts" (Anthony Lewis).
a. To go through (a region) or go to (persons) to solicit votes or orders.
b. To conduct a survey of (public opinion); poll.
1. To make a thorough examination or conduct a detailed discussion.
2. To solicit voters, orders, or opinions.
1. An examination or discussion.
2. A solicitation of votes or orders.
3. A survey of public opinion.

[From obsolete canvass, to toss in a canvas sheet as punishment, from canvas.]

can′vass·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to solicit votes, orders, advertising, etc, from
2. (Marketing) to solicit votes, orders, advertising, etc, from
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to determine the feelings and opinions of (voters before an election, etc), esp by conducting a survey
4. to investigate (something) thoroughly, esp by discussion or debate
5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) chiefly US to inspect (votes) officially to determine their validity
6. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a solicitation of opinions, votes, sales orders, etc
7. (Marketing) a solicitation of opinions, votes, sales orders, etc
8. close inspection; scrutiny
[C16: probably from obsolete sense of canvas (to toss someone in a canvas sheet, hence, to harass, criticize); the development of current senses is unexplained]
ˈcanvasser n
ˈcanvassing n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkæn vəs)

1. to solicit votes, opinions, sales orders, etc., from (a district or group of people).
2. to investigate by inquiry; discuss; debate.
3. to solicit votes, opinions, etc.
4. a soliciting of votes, opinions, etc.
5. close inspection; scrutiny.
[1500–10; orig. sp. variant of canvas, as a v.; sense “discuss” appar. development of the earlier senses “toss in a canvas sheet”]
can′vass•er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: canvassed
Gerund: canvassing

I canvass
you canvass
he/she/it canvasses
we canvass
you canvass
they canvass
I canvassed
you canvassed
he/she/it canvassed
we canvassed
you canvassed
they canvassed
Present Continuous
I am canvassing
you are canvassing
he/she/it is canvassing
we are canvassing
you are canvassing
they are canvassing
Present Perfect
I have canvassed
you have canvassed
he/she/it has canvassed
we have canvassed
you have canvassed
they have canvassed
Past Continuous
I was canvassing
you were canvassing
he/she/it was canvassing
we were canvassing
you were canvassing
they were canvassing
Past Perfect
I had canvassed
you had canvassed
he/she/it had canvassed
we had canvassed
you had canvassed
they had canvassed
I will canvass
you will canvass
he/she/it will canvass
we will canvass
you will canvass
they will canvass
Future Perfect
I will have canvassed
you will have canvassed
he/she/it will have canvassed
we will have canvassed
you will have canvassed
they will have canvassed
Future Continuous
I will be canvassing
you will be canvassing
he/she/it will be canvassing
we will be canvassing
you will be canvassing
they will be canvassing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been canvassing
you have been canvassing
he/she/it has been canvassing
we have been canvassing
you have been canvassing
they have been canvassing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been canvassing
you will have been canvassing
he/she/it will have been canvassing
we will have been canvassing
you will have been canvassing
they will have been canvassing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been canvassing
you had been canvassing
he/she/it had been canvassing
we had been canvassing
you had been canvassing
they had been canvassing
I would canvass
you would canvass
he/she/it would canvass
we would canvass
you would canvass
they would canvass
Past Conditional
I would have canvassed
you would have canvassed
he/she/it would have canvassed
we would have canvassed
you would have canvassed
they would have canvassed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.canvass - the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account; "the crowded canvas of history"; "the movie demanded a dramatic canvas of sound"
scope, setting, background - the state of the environment in which a situation exists; "you can't do that in a university setting"
2.canvass - an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people
inquiry, research, enquiry - a search for knowledge; "their pottery deserves more research than it has received"
exit poll - a poll of voters as they leave the voting place; usually taken by news media in order to predict the outcome of an election
straw poll, straw vote - an unofficial vote taken to determine opinion on some issue
3.canvass - a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vesselcanvass - a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
balloon sail - any light loose sail
crossjack, mizzen course - the lowermost sail on a mizzenmast
fore-and-aft sail - any sail not set on a yard and whose normal position is in a fore-and-aft direction
foresail - the lowest sail on the foremast of a square-rigged vessel
reef - one of several strips across a sail that can be taken in or rolled up to lessen the area of the sail that is exposed to the wind
headsail - any sail set forward of the foremast of a vessel
mainsail - the lowermost sail on the mainmast
main-topsail - a topsail set on the mainmast
piece of cloth, piece of material - a separate part consisting of fabric
press of canvas, press of sail - the greatest amount of sail that a ship can carry safely
royal - a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast
sailing ship, sailing vessel - a vessel that is powered by the wind; often having several masts
save-all - a sail set to catch wind spilled from a larger sail
skysail - the sail above the royal on a square-rigger
square sail - a four-sided sail set beneath a horizontal yard suspended at the middle from a mast
topgallant, topgallant sail - a sail set on a yard of a topgallant mast
topsail - a sail (or either of a pair of sails) immediately above the lowermost sail of a mast and supported by a topmast
4.canvass - a tent made of canvas fabriccanvass - a tent made of canvas fabric  
big top, circus tent, round top, top - a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance; "he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent"; "they had the big top up in less than an hour"
field tent - a canvas tent for use in the field
Sibley tent - a light conical canvas tent erected on a tripod with ventilation at the top
collapsible shelter, tent - a portable shelter (usually of canvas stretched over supporting poles and fastened to the ground with ropes and pegs); "he pitched his tent near the creek"
wall tent - a canvas tent with four vertical walls
5.canvass - an oil painting on canvas fabric
oil painting - a picture painted with oil paints
6.canvass - the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete; "the boxer picked himself up off the canvas"
gym mat, mat - sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports
ring - a platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle
7.canvass - a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)canvass - a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)
cloth, fabric, textile, material - artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers; "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent"; "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC"; "she measured off enough material for a dress"
tarp, tarpaulin - waterproofed canvas
hemp - a plant fiber
Verb1.canvass - get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions
survey - make a survey of; for statistical purposes
circularise, circularize - canvass by distributing letters
2.canvass - solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign
solicit, beg, tap - make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently; "Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce"; "My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities"
circularize - canvass by using a questionnaire
3.canvass - consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaningcanvass - consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"
anatomize - analyze down to the smallest detail; "This writer anatomized the depth of human behavior"
diagnose, name - determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
diagnose - subject to a medical analysis
survey, appraise - consider in a comprehensive way; "He appraised the situation carefully before acting"
survey - make a survey of; for statistical purposes
compare - examine and note the similarities or differences of; "John compared his haircut to his friend's"; "We compared notes after we had both seen the movie"
check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, suss out, look into, go over - examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
assay - analyze (chemical substances)
reexamine, review - look at again; examine again; "let's review your situation"
audit, scrutinise, scrutinize, inspect - examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification; "audit accounts and tax returns"
screen - examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
trace, follow - follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the student's progress"
investigate, look into - investigate scientifically; "Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese"
sieve, sift - check and sort carefully; "sift the information"
look at, view, consider - look at carefully; study mentally; "view a problem"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. campaign, solicit votes, electioneer I'm canvassing for the Labour Party.
2. poll, study, examine, investigate, analyse, scan, inspect, sift, scrutinize The survey canvassed the views of almost 80 economists.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
يَطوفُ بالمَنازِلِ طَلَبا للأصْواتيُقْنِعُ
kalastella ääniä
safna undirskriftum/atkvæîum
선거 운동을 하다
aģitētvākt balsis
ออกเที่ยวฟังความเห็น เที่ยวหาเสียง
oy toplamakkapı kapı dolaşmak
vận động bầu cử


1. (Pol) [+ district] → hacer campaña en; [+ voters] → solicitar el voto de; [+ votes] → solicitar
2. (US) [+ votes] → escudriñar
3. (Comm) [+ district, opinions] → sondear; [+ orders] → solicitar; [+ purchaser] → solicitar pedidos de
4. (= discuss) [+ possibility, question] → discutir, someter a debate
1. (Pol) → solicitar votos, hacer campaña (for a favor de)
2. (Comm) → buscar clientes
C. N
1. (Pol) (for votes) → solicitación f
to make a door-to-door canvassir solicitando votos de puerta en puerta
2. (Comm) (= inquiry) → sondeo m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(for political party) [+ district] → faire une tournée électorale dans, faire campagne dans; [+ voter] → solliciter le suffrage de
(in survey) [+ citizens, opinion] → sonder
vi (for political party)faire campagne
to canvass for → faire campagne pour
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(Pol) districtWahlwerbung machen in (+dat); personfür seine Partei zu gewinnen suchen; to canvass the local electoratein seinem Wahlkreis Stimmen werben or auf Stimmenfang gehen (inf)
customers, citizens etcansprechen, werben; issueunter die Leute bringen; districtbereisen; (= sound out) opinionserforschen
(Pol) → um Stimmen werben (for sb für jdn)
n (Pol, Comm) → Aktion f, → Kampagne f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. vt (Pol) (district) → fare un giro elettorale di (000) (person) → fare propaganda elettorale a (Comm) (district) → battere (per raccogliere ordinazioni) (000) (citizens, opinions) → fare un sondaggio di
2. vi (Pol) → raccogliere voti (Comm) → battere la zona per raccogliere ordinazioni
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈkӕnvəs) verb
to go round (an area) asking (people) for (support, votes, custom etc). We're canvassing for the Conservative Party candidate.
ˈcanvasser noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يُقْنِعُ agitovat undersøge werben διεξάγω προεκλογική εκστρατεία hacer campaña, sondear kalastella ääniä prospecter agitirati sollecitare 投票を頼んで回る 선거 운동을 하다 werven agitere agitować fazer campanha eleitoral агитировать värva ออกเที่ยวฟังความเห็น เที่ยวหาเสียง oy toplamak vận động bầu cử 游说
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Therefore they worked hard, but not harder than Judge Driscoll and Tom worked against them in the closing days of the canvass. Tom's conduct had remained so letter-perfect during two whole months now, that his uncle not only trusted him with money with which to persuade voters, but trusted him to go and get it himself out of the safe in the private sitting room.
Her first effort was made by holding festivals, or "suppers." She made a personal canvass among the white and coloured families in the town of Tuskegee, and got them to agree to give something, like a cake, a chicken, bread, or pies, that could be sold at the festival.
I went round visiting in the neat brougham--with a stethoscope and medical review in the front-pocket, with Doctor Softly by my side, keeping his face well in view at the window--to canvass for patients, in the character of my father's hopeful successor.
I should not chuse to have the business brought on here, and canvassed by the wise heads of Mr.
There be, that can pack the cards, and yet cannot play well; so there are some that are good in canvasses and factions, that are otherwise weak men.
The only objection which remains to be canvassed, is that which would substitute the proportion of two thirds of all the members composing the senatorial body, to that of two thirds of the members present.
It seems, then, requisite for the establishment of a state, that all, or at least many of these particulars should be well canvassed and inquired into; and that virtue and education may most justly claim the right of being considered as the necessary means of making the citizens happy, as we have already said.
They went clothed in steel and equipped with sword and lance and battle-axe, and if they couldn't persuade a person to try a sewing-machine on the installment plan, or a melodeon, or a barbed-wire fence, or a prohibition journal, or any of the other thousand and one things they canvassed for, they removed him and passed on.
There was a considerable pause, while the boys canvassed this matter inwardly.
The last I saw of them, on a recent visit to the north, was at a dinner-party in the house of my old friend Gellatly Macbride; and after we had, in classic phrase, 'rejoined the ladies,' I had an opportunity to overhear Flora conversing with another married woman on the much canvassed matter of a husband's tobacco.
Darcy, and all that he had suffered from him, was now openly acknowledged and publicly canvassed; and everybody was pleased to know how much they had always disliked Mr.
Observe her when she has some knitting, or some other woman's work in hand, and sits the image of peace, calmly intent on her needles and her silk, some discussion meantime going on around her, in the course of which peculiarities of character are being developed, or important interests canvassed; she takes no part in it; her humble, feminine mind is wholly with her knitting; none of her features move; she neither presumes to smile approval, nor frown disapprobation; her little hands assiduously ply their unpretending task; if she can only get this purse finished, or this bonnet-grec completed, it is enough for her.