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Noun1.main-topsail - a topsail set on the mainmastmain-topsail - a topsail set on the mainmast  
sail, canvass, canvas, sheet - a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
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References in classic literature ?
Preserving an interval of some few yards between itself and the ship, the Jeroboam's boat by the occasional use of its oars contrived to keep parallel to the Pequod, as she heavily forged through the sea (for by this time it blew very fresh), with her main-topsail aback; though, indeed, at times by the sudden onset of a large rolling wave, the boat would be pushed some way ahead; but would be soon skilfully brought to her proper bearings again.
Sud denly her main-topsail went, yard and all, in a ter rific squall; she had to bear up under bare poles, and disappeared.