circus tent

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Noun1.circus tent - a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performancecircus tent - a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance; "he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent"; "they had the big top up in less than an hour"
canvas tent, canvass, canvas - a tent made of canvas fabric
circus - an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent; "they used the elephants to help put up the circus"
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References in classic literature ?
It fits like a circus tent, and a woman's head is hidden away in it like the man's who prompts the singers from his tin shed in the stage of an opera.
The Big Bagaga Show, which will be performed in a circus tent in Cardiff Bay, features all the usual circus tricks, including aerial hoop, juggling, ensemble acrobatics, trapeze and the tight-wire.
Having already delighted crowds in Peterhead, the circus tent is currently pitched next to the Tulloch Caledonian Stadium in Inverness and will be there until July 14.
with a service in a circus tent. The event at Dudley Living Museum's big top arena will be one of two opportunities to say goodbye to Bishop Graham Usher who leaves the Diocese of Worcester at the end of the month to become the Bishop of Norwich.
Imagine your child having their own shining circus tent at home in the form of a lamp.
Launching his leadership bid at a circus tent on London's South Bank yesterday, Mr Stewart floated the idea of a "Brexit Assembly" of citizens to break the parliamentary deadlock on EU withdrawal.
Attractions will include an obstacle course, a battalion of inflatables, mini golf, a helter-skelter, Zorbing, bubble football, foam parties, go-karts, water slides, art and crafts, baking, a circus tent and disco dancing.
Filmmaker Tim Burton revived the movie which stars Danny de Vito, Michael Keaton, Collin Farrell and the beautiful Eva Green, stunning in her role as a circus lady in a trapeze who rode the flying baby elephant, Dumbo, as he glided around the circus tent to fly to his freedom in search of his mother.
Occupying Safa Park in Dubai, the Parisian fashion house brought its colourful circus tent to the opposite side of the world.
Performed in a circus tent, Talatum explored a unique experience of collaboration between circus artists and performers/theatre actors in a style that brought the two together along with the use of puppetry, pre-recorded video projections, and varied "classical" performance idioms (whether in terms of acting style, gestures, costumes or music) such as Kathakali or the ritual-healing performance from northern Kerala, Theyyam.
With the promise that no MP who voted for a second vote will be elected again, and Westminster will be dismantled instead of being rebuilt (saving us millions), replaced by a mobile circus tent, moving to a different UK location each month so we can all keep our eye on it!
With the promise that no MP who voted for a second vote will be elected again; and Westminster will be dismantled instead of being rebuilt (saving us PSmillions); replaced by a mobile circus tent, moving to a different UK location each month, so we can all keep our eye on it!