

the belief in systematic bullying
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


the actions of a bully.
See also: Behavior
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In Kashmir's context, bilateralism masks an attempted bullyism.
In response to US measures, Beijing introduced tariffs on another $60 billion worth of US goods and released a 71-page paper accusing President Trump of 'trade bullyism practices" that have become "the greatest source of uncertainty and risk for the recovery of the global economy."
of engaging in "trade bullyism" and said it was intimidating other countries to submit to its will, according to Reuters, citing the official Xinhua news agency.
China also accused the United States of engaging in "trade bullyism", and said Washington was intimidating other countries to submit to its will, according to a white paper on the dispute published by China's State Council, or cabinet, on Monday.
In an official white paper, as reported by Xinhua news agency, China said the US was employing "trade bullyism practices", "intimidating other countries through economic measures", and hurting the global economy.
China accused the United States of engaging in "trade bullyism" and intimidating other countries to submit to its will through measures such as tariffs, the official Xinhua news agency said Monday, hours after the two sides imposed fresh duties.
Consequently, it will uphold and enforce Christian values and morality whilst explicitly resisting the perceived threats of a particular manifestation of 'modernity', specifically in regards to the erosion of traditional value systems that dictate acceptable sexual and gender conduct, the rise of neoliberalism, secularism and the 'bullyism' of sexual and gender rights advocates, including feminists and local and international LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning) groups, whose ideas run counter to what has always been considered to be 'right,' 'true' and 'good' for this nation.
In this narrative, they are portrayed as evidence of the decay of (Christian) morality and the growing economic, cultural, and political power of the global "gay community." Further, this narrative continues, if Jamaicans are not alert or fail to hold true to their values they, too, could fall into the traps or succumb to what veteran Jamaican Gleaner journalist Ian Boyne terms "the obnoxious," "undemocratic," intimidating tactics and "bullyism of the gay community" (Boyne 2008, 3).
Clive Thomas of Guyana stated in an article published by Caribbean Media Sphere that "through a mixture of blatant bullyism, bribery, cajolery, deception, intellectual dishonesty and plain bluff, the EU has worked a monumental deception on the region." And former Caribbean ambassador to the World Trade Organization Sir Ronald Sanders said that the EPA "may well return Caribbean nations to the state of plantation economies where the commanding heights are owned by foreign companies run by expatriate managers and the Caribbean people are merely workers." He warned that in any dispute arising over the agreement "individual countries will be up against the full force and resources of the EU as a whole.
Soon after the fresh duties went into effect, China accused the United States of engaging in "trade bullyism" and said it was intimidating other countries to submit to its will through measures such as tariffs, the official Xinhua news agency said.