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(German ˈbʊltman)
(Biography) Rudolf Karl. 1884–1976, German theologian, noted for his demythologizing approach to the New Testament
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Noun1.Bultmann - a Lutheran theologian in Germany (1884-1976)
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After setting out his theory and methodology, he looks at the old perspective by Luther, Calvin, Rudolph Bultmann, and Douglas Moo; then at the new perspective by E.
A pupil of the radical Rudolf Bultmann, his experiences as a pastor reinforced his own left-of-centre theology.
He intellectually engaged Sartre, Bultmann, Tillich, and Niebuhr, but was repelled by the lukewarm Protestantism of uncritical Americans who, unlike their European colleagues, "need to be brought to their senses." The son of a clergyman, Kaufmann had a grasp of the varieties of Christendom, he was well aware of the differences between Lutheranism and Anglicanism, and between Catholicism in France, Italy, and Ireland.
Y aunque, como el afirma, no quiere escribir con pretensiones teologicas, de facto lo hace, apoyandose para ello en autores como Rudolph Bultmann, Gunther Bornkamm y Ethelbert Stauffer.
These thoughts are especially meaningful for this discussion since the final part of this study is an analysis of Bultmann's radical position on the resurrection as a parallel view to Schillebeeckx's particular take on the subject, however without consigning it to the test of a genuine development of the doctrine.
He begins with Benedict de Spinoza and ends with John Webster, and includes landmark contributions from Strauss, Kierkegaard, Troeltsch, Barth, Bultmann, Pope Pius XII (Divino afflante spiritu), Ebeling, de Lubac, Childs, Elisabeth Schiissler Fiorenza, and Paul Ricoeur.
BULTMANN, 2005 for reindeer lichen stands in the understorey of pine forests; MARSTALLER, 2006 for the bryophyte vegetation of the Rhytidiadelphion squarrosi Waldheim 1944).
Bultmann, after seeking to strip Paul of his theological and cultural mythos, explains human psychology in terms, says Dunson, of "two fundamental categories: the individual before (personal) faith, and the individual after (personal)
One finds a stronger Kierkegaardian influence on another great 'existentialist' theologian, Rudolf Bultmann. Heiko Schulz offers a thorough study of Bultmann's relation to Kierkegaard, and even offers a chart documenting all sixty-two of Bultmann's explicit references to Kierkegaard.
Hammann has gathered, examined and interpreted Bultmann's publications, unpublished archival materials, and reactions from theologians and his students to give a comprehensive picture of his life and work.