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(Tools) a long narrow optical device used to inspect the interior of a tight space
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The mounting is polar-aligned with a borescope that fits within the hollow polar axis and can be removed.
IF YOU ARE A SERIOUS SHOOTER, HANDLOADER, OR GUNSMITH AND YOU haven't considered using a borescope yet, then you really should.
3 This Innovative Technologies Borescope uses a tiny optical lens, along with a light and cable, to show an image of a barrel's interior on-screen.
If the characteristic pattern exists, the software flags it and starts the process that results in a warning to the owner and recommendation to borescope the cylinder.
Staple them together, put them in a folder and store them with your borescope.
We then verified occupancy of each refuge visually with a fiber-optic borescope. During two sessions (21-25 July and 29 July-1 August 2009), we tested the force-fed-radiotransmitter technique and searched for lizards a total of 18 times (one lizard one time, one lizard two times, two lizards three times, one lizard four times, and one lizard five times).
I recently acquired a Hawkeye Borescope from Midway USA, the Classic Slim Kit made by Gradient Lens Corporation ( located at Rochester NY.
The only way to really see if copper fouling is truly gone from a barrel you think you've cleaned to perfection is to use a specialized tool like a Hawkeye Borescope that allows a near-microscopic, inch-by-inch inspection of the rifling.
In addition to thermal cameras, the company also offers video borescope inspection cameras, moisture meters and infrared thermometers for additional roofing diagnostic options.