
Related to boree: Bouree


(Plants) Austral another name for myall
[from a native Australian language]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Eleventh Circuit in Boree (42) held that a married couple's bulk sale of property resulted in ordinary income and not capital gain as reported by the taxpayers, who were real estate developers.
As a result, rather than considering any individual film in great depth, the book proceeds at a brisk pace, chronologically charting significant cinematic representations of Australian schools from the silent period (starting with Around the Boree Log [Phil K.
En cette journee mondiale de la femme, j'ai choisi de vous presenter une nouvelle collection lancee ce printemps par les Editions de Boree. Cette petite maison francaise lancera dans quelques jours plusieurs livres avec des heroines aussi attachantes que combatives, fortes et fragiles a la fois.
Guides and Scouts will be jam(boree)ing on stage at the Hippodrome in the National 80th Anniversary Gang Show.
Apart from Gsell, the only one I have seen that goes back to "Around the Boree Log" days is Archbishop Duhig's string of anecdotes (starting on page 1 with the housekeeper at his first presbytery who "cooked fish better than anybody I have since known", and continuing with the importance of a good horse in a priest's life and his successes in buying real estate, and an interview with "the then-famous duce").
In 1911 Father Patrick Hartigan ('John O'Brien', author of Around the Boree Log) went upcountry to administer the last rites to a reportedly dying Riley.
(8) See, eg, Peter Rees, The Boy from Boree Creek: The Tim Fischer Story (2001) 204; Paul Donegan, 'The Role of the Commonwealth Attorney-General in appointing Judges to the High Court of Australia' (2003) 29 Melbourne Journal of Politics 40; Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 'His Honour', Four Corners, 14 September 1998.
John O'Brien in his work Around the Boree Log captured something of the excitement and apprehension felt by staff and students of a small Catholic school when news arrived that the Inspector of Schools was about to pay a visit: 'we're not supposed to know what day it is th' Inspector comes.
Hartigan) from his epic Around the Boree Log which was set in Australia.