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Related to borel: boreal, Borel set


rustic, rude
(Tools) a boring tool
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Take her six bottles of different wine -- Cyprus, sherry, and Malaga, and a barrel of Ostend oysters; get them at Borel's, and be sure you say they are for me."
That is why I say that the murrain was the best friend that the borel folk ever had."
"Only the other evening walking back to town from Chateau Borel with our latest interesting arrival from Petersburg, I could notice the powerful soothing influence--I may say reconciling influence.
Some of the past scholarship winners and their family members were in attendance, including the Borel, Carey, Doherty, Hill, King, Pukala and Russ families.
Tribune News Network Doha Yannick Borel claimed the men's Epee individual gold medal at the FIE Fencing Grand Prix Qatar 2019 against Spaniard Yulen Pereira of Spain 15-4 after just two periods at the Aspire Dome on Sunday.
The new office in Paterson will be led by Tifani Borel, who has been appointed as branch manager.
Classes of Polish Spaces Under Effective Borel Isomorphisms
Aegon Asset Management said it has appointed Ainsley Borel to the new role of director of US consultant relations.
The cultural significance and the biology of the insect are the focus of Infested, by science writer Brooke Borel, who has suffered infestations both at home and while traveling.
"In 2014, the businesses in DuPont's Agriculture, Nutrition & Health and Industrial Biosciences segments sold more than $1 billion in biological solutions across four market sectors," reports DuPont Exec VP Jim Borel. "Our in-house, cross-business venture, DuPont Biologicals, draws on our world-class science and deep understanding of food and production agriculture markets to deliver value-added crop biological solutions.