boatswain bird

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Related to boatswain bird: Ascension Island, frigate bird
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.boatswain bird - mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from landboatswain bird - mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land
pelecaniform seabird - large fish-eating seabird with four-toed webbed feet
genus Phaethon, Phaethon - type genus of the Phaethontidae
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References in periodicals archive ?
"We have seen turtles and following us are two different types of bird - including a white-tailed tropicbird or Boatswain bird as it makes a call similar to a sailors whistle, quite eerie actually.
Until now, the birds had survived only in a small colony on nearby Boatswain Bird Island a--one-square kilometer rocky outcrop--where they were considered to be highly vulnerable to outbreaks of disease.