

resembling a boat
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"I think the slanted ceilings and the cutout in the middle give this room a very boatlike feeling," says Jessica.
During the recent runway shows, there were sneakers at Versace: on a chain link rubber sole, either boatlike in size or reduced to Velcro sandal straps, like a cross between Chacos and a rapper necklace.
Right now, Cabrol is receiving e-mails from a boatlike robot that floats on a lake in the high Chilean Andes.
It is fuelefficient alright, but the steering is boatlike, the ride is not very smooth and the car feels very slow.
Those tics are loose and ephemeral, as in "Everyday Relationships," 2011, in which black-and-white printouts of family photographs are folded into fragile boatlike shapes, threaded together with paper clips and cotton string.
Forty years ago, when Ketchikan hosted a thriving timber industry, the only way to reach the place by air was to fly first to Annette Island, twelve miles to the southeast, where you strapped yourself into a thirty-eight-foot amphibious aircraft called the Grumman Goose, a cartoonishly bulbous dual-propeller plane with a boatlike hulled fuselage hanging below a forty-nine-foot wingspan.
The larger models are notorious for their boatlike handling and slow braking--Excursions need forty more feet than most vehicles to decelerate from 60 mph to zero, and their extra height makes them more likely to tip over when turning sharp corners.
Description: Showy blossoms are oddly shaped, resembling a bird; rigid, boatlike bracts; stems are tall and thick.
Shipbuilding also came up several decades ago when the center received a bit of wood from what was described as "a boatlike object" found above the tree line on Mount Ararat in Turkey.
While each carefully modeled boatlike form, cast from opaque, yellow beeswax, was characterized by an obdurate materiality, even a static quality, as a whole they suggested quite the opposite: they seemed to defy their material support, to float in the air.