blanket bog

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Related to blanket bog: peat bog

blanket bog

(Biology) a very acid peat bog, low in nutrients, extending widely over a flat terrain, found in cold wet climates
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Strathy is part of the Flow Country - the largest area of a rare blanket bog found in Europe - and is currently under consideration for World Heritage Site status.
The study, called the EMBER project which had been undertaken by Leeds University and was published in 2014, was widely regarded as the most definitive research produced about burning impacts on blanket bog ecosystems.
The promenade event is inspired by Scotland's Flow Country (the world's largest single expanse of blanket bog) and its role in the fight against climate change.
There are about 900sqkm of peatland in the North Pennines and most of this is blanket bog, a unique type of peat habitat, found only in cool, wet regions of the world.
Marsden moor is designated as a site of special scientific interest, a special protection area and special area of conservation due to its nesting bird population and blanket bog habitat.
Drainage and grouse shooting butts were also documented constructed into rare blanket bog habitat and spent shotgun cartridges were littered on the ground.
Work being carried out by the RSPB and United Utilities in and around Dovestone to restore blanket bog - peatland forming where the climate is high in rainfall is crucial.
It is a raised bog, as opposed to the blanket bog shown here.
For years land managers have faced the challenge of trying not to damage upland peat blanket bog while also being able to work in the areas.
THOUSANDS of acres of blanket bog are to be restored, the RSPB has claimed.