blank line


blank line

n (Typ) → Leerzeile f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Insert a blank line between each paragraph on both the resume and LinkedIn profile.
Another blank line for the "signature of officer" is signed by the judge in the case, Richardson, who was also appointed to oversee the case.
They say, "Number of persons attending,'' followed by a blank line. That implies that the guest can choose the number of people they will bring.
Write that one in the first blank line at the top of the opposite page and draw an X through that circle.
All you have to do is send a poem about Cardiff or another town in Wales to: Local Poem, United Press Ltd, Admail 3735, London EC1B 1JB The best poem will win pounds 1,000 cash and you can send up to three entries, which must be no more than 25 lines (each blank line counts as one line) and 160 words each.
x 100 cm, 20cmxll 0cm, 2L:0 (pianting two ro-ws wiih 65 cm x 65 cm mnd a blank: line as a unit) and 4L:0 (planting four rows with 65 cm x 65 cm and a blank line as a unit), just as Figure 2.
The print is a good size--and is double-spaced--but the lack of an extra blank line between paragraphs makes the pages look crowded.
This also allows appraisers to fill in the blank line to indicate a divorce, estate, or condemnation appraisal report.