

wearing a suit
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In particular, the initial sequence where the unfortunate Ace is thrown into the air by a car bomb is spectacular, especially as his besuited form continues to spiral past the opening credits.
LONDON The streets of Soho are crowded with besuited money men who have descended from their glass towers in the City of London's financial district to find out what all the fuss is about in British filmmaking.
James Garnon as Antonio, his friend Bassanio (Jack Laskey) and other besuited slickers come at us like a rush for the Tube.
He's moved on since then - most notably with the consistently good Metro Bar and Grill, a favourite with the champ agne-glugging toffs who, besuited, inhabit Birmingham's business quarter.
Besuited boss David Jeffrey looked for all the world like a bar-room crooner as he casually rested one foot on a stray wooden chair beside the away dugout for most of the second half.
'But now the culprits are invariably middle-aged, besuited men with their hi-tech iPods or phones with radios.
Churches yesterday unveiled a poster with a reworking of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, featuring besuited power brokers as the disciples surrounding Jesus at a boardroom meeting.
On a Sunday, the streets of the "commercial district" are emptied of their usual besuited chaps and chapesses striding from meeting to meeting.
The besuited number-crunchers who strut around their plush offices at Cadbury Schweppes' headquarters should reflect that they are custodians of a heritage far more important than wringing-out the last ounce of profit.
Who's to say a grateful nation won't consider his 2005 achievement - though besuited rather than bespiked - even more heroic?
Shelves which feature an eye-catching ensemble of miniature, besuited musicians, have been incorporated into the lounge.
I logged on yesterday to see a handsome besuited chap from Bridgend, a high cheek-boned designer recently moved to Newport, and a blue-eyed engineer from Blackwood.