

(ˈbɛərˈnʌk əl)

also bare′knuck′led,

1. (of a prizefight, prizefighter, etc.) without boxing gloves; using the bare fists.
2. without conventional niceties: bareknuckle bargaining.
3. in a rough-and-tumble manner.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
For Morgan, it took earning a crust through engaging in brutal, behind bars bareknuckle battles.
Former bareknuckle fighter Little confessed to the killings last year while serving three life sentences for murder in an LA prison.
Meanwhile, after one bareknuckle boxing fight recently, Colin 'Freakshow' Fletcher has also been added to the card.
Meanwhile, after one fight in bareknuckle boxing recently, everybody's favourite clown is back as Colin 'Freakshow' Fletcher is also added to the card.
While some find such performances grating, few underestimate Nahles, who, like Merkel, is considered a sharp strategist and hard worker, and a bareknuckle political operator.
2 in the world went at each other like bareknuckle prizefighters.
Then there's the rather bizarre story of the bareknuckle boxer Paddy Monaghan, who started a campaign of support for Ali which saw the pair become lifelong friends.
The 58-year-old former bareknuckle fighter sat with his hand resting on his father's coffin throughout the service and tributes, which included video footage of Mr Doherty senior in a horse race and a group of Irish dancers.
After two hours and 27 minutes the bareknuckle match was declared a draw in chaotic and controversial circumstances after Heenan tried to strangle Sayers, the crowd invaded the ring and the police were seen to be moving in.
In 1870s New York, Bareknuckle depicts a bareknuckle boxer in each volume making their way in the Woodrat Club, the Bowery neighborhood's fight club.
He said: "After starting a family and working full-time, I felt like something was missing in my life and I saw bareknuckle boxing advertised on the internet.
Faced with an adversary, who possesses state-ofthe-art weaponry, Barney retires the old team and assembles a fearless younger crew comprising bareknuckle brawler Smilee (Kellan Lutz), nightclub bouncer Luna (Ronda Rousey), hacker Thorn (Glen Powell), weaponry specialist Mars (Victor Ortiz) and infuriatingly talkative former Spanish Armed Forces operative Galgo (Antonio Banderas).