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Adj.1.bare-breasted - having the breasts uncovered or featuring such nuditybare-breasted - having the breasts uncovered or featuring such nudity; "topless waitresses"; "a topless cabaret"
unclothed - not wearing clothing
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Bare-breasted Femen demonstrators have also protested against US president Donald Trump.
Participants marched bare-breasted in Los Angeles and New York, with other marches planned in New Hampshire, Denver and other locales.
The Umhlanga Reed Dance, a festival claiming to celebrate womanhood and virginity, involves bare-breasted women dancing and singing in beaded mini-skirts to catch the eye of King Mswati III, Africa's last absolute monarch.
Like the middleaged who ape them, forgetting the bare-breasted look can be carried off only by the young.
Ouellette only gave up the chase when she reached the department store's doors and remembered that she was bare-breasted.
Putin was met with a bare-breasted Femen protest when he visited a trade fair in Germany in April alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Suddenly four bare-breasted feminists, with hateful comments about Christianity written on their bodies, jumped on the stage and began to physically assault the archbishop.
The First Minister said that The Sun's Page Three - which features a bare-breasted woman daily along with a short commentary on a topical issue - was "inappropriate in this day and age", in a response in First Minister's Questions.
Russia urged Germany to punish a group of women who staged a bare-breasted protest against President Vladimir Putin on Monday during a visit to a trade fair in Hanover with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
AFP -- BERLIN -- Bare-breasted activists staged rallies in front of mosques and Tunisian embassies across Europe Thursday against what they called an Islamist crackdown on Arab women's rights.
Jessie David, a bare-breasted 15-year-old wearing a pandanas leaf skirt, body paint and a headdress made of bird of paradise feathers, pictured, was given the honour of placing the orchid flowers on the Royals.
And last year local police were filmed forcing bare-breasted tribeswomen to dance for tourists for food.