

Plants that are dug up while dormant and have the soil removed before despatch or shipment.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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The sale includes various evergreen and deciduous bare-root trees and shrubs; prairie or pond plant packages; and single-pot shade and prairie plants.
| We're still in the bare-root planting season, so now's the time to plant roses, trees and shrubs inexpensively.
IT'S bare-root rose season, when lovers of these romantic blooms order their bare-root varieties for planting during the dormant period between November and April.
Pros and cons of an early harvest Kobelt says: "For an autumn planting in November, bare-root roses usually have to be harvested too early, before the wood is mature.
Bare-root Whatever you go with, the planting regime is basically the same WHATEVER the season, soak the container rose or bare-root for an hour or overnight in a bucket of water, let it drain for half an hour and then plant out, keeping it well-watered.
Rosa 'Desdemona', left, and 'Olivia Rose Austin', above IT'S bare-root rose season, when lovers of these romantic blooms order their bare-root varieties for planting during the dormant period between November and April.
Bare-root Whatever you go with, the planting regime is basically the same WHATEVER the season, soak the container rose or bare-root for an hour or overnight in a bucket water, let it drain for half an hour and then plant out, keeping it well-watered.
In December, plant bare-root artichokes, arugula seedlings, fava beans, kale, and leaf lettuce, plus garlic and onion sets.
Q I HAVE just ordered some bare-root hybrid tea bush roses.
Hedge your bets - If you want to create a hedge, take advantage of bare-root offers at the end of the planting season, which runs from winter to early spring.