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Related to avigation: navigation


the science of aerial navigation.
See also: Aviation
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References in periodicals archive ?
3d 112, the acquiring agency sought to acquire an avigation easement over a property adjacent to an airport.
Types of easements include power distribution lines, sewer and storm water lines, and avigation easements, which restrict use of air space by limiting building type and height.
Claims could include an" inverse condemnation," another way of describing a taking, or the establishment of an avigation, air, or flying easement.
In exchang e the airport received the right, known as an avigation easement, to generate increased noise.(34)
Avigation or aircraft overflight and landing patterns
256 (1946) (overhead flights constitute a physical taking of an avigation easement); Pumpelly v.
The acquisition speeds a move by the Internet's main Web destinations to pair with larger partners, particularly sellers of services which speed up n avigation of the Internet.
In cases where an airport has continually operated for several years, a municipality could argue that it has a prescriptive avigation easement as a defense to a takings claim.
The Corps of Engineers Files contained over 200,000 appraisals including work on such new topics as "avigation" easements.
The property was subject to an earlier avigation easement granted to the U.S.