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n. pl.1.(Zool.) See prehensile processes on the cells of some Bryozoa, often having the shape of a bird's bill.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Several genera (Flustra Eschara, Cellaria, Crisia, and others) agree in having singular moveable organs (like those of Flustra avicularia, foun in the European seas) attached to their cells.
Bifurcaciones originadas a partir de la pared disto lateral del ultimo zooide del internodo, reemplazando al avicularia. Cada internodo que porta de dos a cinco camaras, se une entre si por articulaciones quitinosas de color marron claro.
Also, avicularia may be a hazard that limits the success of veligers attempting to settle and metamorphose on this prey.
celleporoides in the morphology of the avicularia (defensive zooids), and a new genus resembling Dysnoetopora in constructing branched, 'celleporiform' colonies but having feeding zooids with an orificial sinus.
Release of urticating hairs by Avicularia versicolor (Walckenaer, 1837) (Araneae, Theraphosidae).
Commonly kept species include the Mexican red-knee (also known as orangeknee), the Chilean rose-hair, and various species from the genus Avicularia, commonly called avics, all of which may be sold as pink toes.
The genera tested were Aphonopelma (Theraphsoinae), Avicularia (Aviculariinae), Pterinochilius (Harpactirinae), Heterothele (Old World Ischonocolinae), Holothele (New World Ischonocolinae), Hysterocrates (Eumonophorinae), Selencosmia (Selenocosminnae), and Cyriopagopus (Ornithoctoninae).
In this analysis, we considered only the connections on lateral walls of functional zooids (autozooids) as indicators of integration, and not those that may be present within modified zooids such as ovicells and avicularia, as feeding autozooids appear to be the main source of nutritious resources within the colony, and polymorphs were not present in W.
Stradling (1994) reported only one intra-cocoon postembryonic instar in Avicularia avicularia (Linnaeus 1758), which seems to be a record in Theraphosidae.
The preoccupied generic name Mygale Lamarck 1802 was replaced by Avicularia Lamarck 1818.
neritina lacks the mechanical defense of specialized zooids called avicularia and vibracula, which are present in many other bryozoan species.