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 (ā′vē-ā′trĭks, ăv′ē-)
n. pl. a·vi·a·trix·es or a·vi·a·tri·ces (-trī′sēz′)
A woman aviator. Used especially during the first half of the twentieth century.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌeɪ viˈeɪ trɪks, ˌæv i-)

also a•vi•a•tress, a•vi•a•trice

(ˈeɪ viˌeɪ trɪs, ˈæv i-)

n., pl. -a•tri•ces (-ˈeɪ trəˌsiz, -əˈtraɪ siz) also -a•tress•es.
a woman pilot; aviator.
usage: See -trix.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.aviatrix - a woman aviatoraviatrix - a woman aviator      
aeronaut, airman, aviator, flier, flyer - someone who operates an aircraft
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The production, which features a replica of Johnson's bi-plane Gipsy Moth, explores the inspirational life and mysterious death of the Hull aviatrix who was the first woman to fly solo from the UK to Australia and who also had a vital role in WW2 as one of team of female pilots working as auxiliary personnel.
He forms a team of assorted characters, including his ex-wife, Lakshmi, Geraldine, and Theodora (Teddy) Ottinger, a daring aviatrix, pseudo-writer and reporter, and her current intermittent lover, Arlene.
The Fit Aviatrix, 1440 10th St Unit 419, Bellingham, 604149297
[It has now been reported that the photograph supposedly showing Earhart alive in the Marshall Islands in 1937 is from a Japanese book published years before the famed aviatrix disappeared, in 1935 to be precise, a military expert said on Wednesday].
The Flying Adventures of Jessie "Chubbie" Miller: The Southern Hemisphere's First International Aviatrix
Withernsea seems to have gone the way of its lost pier, but it does have the Golden Haddock and a historical centre in an old lighthouse, devoted to local aviatrix hero Amy Johnson.
Emily Blunt and Jason Segel 5 AMELIA Wednesday, Channel 4, 1.15am BIOPIC of plucky aviatrix Amelia Earhart, who soared to new heights in her trusty Lockhead L-10 Electra, only to disappear in 1937 during an attempt to fly around the world.
Emily Blunt and Jason Segel 5 AMELIA Wednesday, Channel 4, 1.15am BIOPIC of plucky aviatrix Amelia Earhart, who soared to new heights in her trusty Lockhead 10 Electra, only to disappear in 1937 during an attempt to fly around the world.
5 AMELIA Wednesday, Channel 4, 1.15am BIOPIC of plucky aviatrix Amelia Earhart, who soared to new heights in her trusty Lockhead L-10 ElectrL a, only to disappear in 1937 during an attempt to fly around the world.
Amelia (2009), left C4, 1.15am Mira Nair directs this chocolate-box biopic of plucky aviatrix Amelia Earhart, who soared to new heights in her trusty Lockhead L-10 Electra, only to disappear in 1937 during an attempt to fly around the world.
Bror had just arrived with aviatrix Beryl Markham, who had flown her Leopard Moth the 6,000 miles from the Serengeti to Paris in six days, with a near-death experience over Sardinia, where they were caught in a white-out and violent turbulence.
Thus far, her stage roles form a fascinating pantheon of fierce females: aviatrix, teacher, spinster, Southern belle, madam, saint, and nun--from Tennessee Williams to George Bernard Shaw to the best of contemporary feminist and lesbian playwrights.