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n, pl aua
(Animals) NZ another name for yellow-eye mullet
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Kotuko made him a tiny harness with a trace to it, and hauled him all over the house- floor, shouting: "Aua! Ja aua!" (Go to the right).
Ur Aua Enkamit, who is responsible for overseeing the programmes, projects and activities of AASI members in DC, Maryland, Virginia, Bermuda and Toronto CA, the Songhai Sustainability project is the only way to avoid over-reliance on the western world and China.
The platform's AUA was boosted by underlying net inflows of [pounds]1.0bn and defined benefit pension transfers of [pounds]0.2bn, together with [pounds]1.6bn from market movements.
AUA Private Equity said TruFood will be a leading manufacturer in the growing snacking and nutrition bar segments and this acquisition is a complement to the company's growing portfolio of food manufacturers.
In March 2017, the AUA requested the CAP's formal endorsement of the updated guideline.
No other imaging is recommended in the initial staging and work up of localized renal masses (AUA, 2017).
Platform AUA was up nine per cent to a new high of PS40.6bn driven by underlying net inflows of PS800m, defined benefit pension transfers of PS200m and favourable market movements of PS2.3bn.
Founder and chief executive David Ferguson told investors: "Nucleus has continued to grow with a solid increase in adviser and customer numbers and strong AUA growth, despite the well-referenced market uncertainty that is continuing to impact investor sentiment.
Many advisers focus on delivering excellent customer service as a way to retain existing clients and help them improve their retirement plan--thereby naturally boosting AUA. With so many talented prospects working at recordkeepers, you can attract them to your practice by offering more autonomy and client ownership than they may find at their current employer.
The bank's AuA rose by about 42% in 2017 to about EUR359 billion at year-end and we expect further growth in 2018-2019 as AFB focuses on the Benelux, Nordics and Asian markets.
Currently servicing over USD 312 million in AUA, Life Wealth Principles provides its clients with investment management services, with an emphasis on tax planning, retirement income planning, and family wealth planning.