air frost

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air frost

(Physical Geography) the deposition of ice condensed from water vapour in the atmosphere on the surface when the air temperature is below 0°C
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The year had 35% fewer air frost days than in 2017/18 and was consistent to 2016/17.
There were no exceptional temperatures in May with our highest reading of just 22.4c on the 30th but there was no air frost either!
Temperatures plunged to -3.5C in Tulloch Bridge in the Scottish Highlands as there was widespread air frost in Scotland overnight.
And for the first time in Coventry, there was no air frost in the city during December, and just three grass frosts.
He said it would be "a chilly night on Saturday with probable ground frosts and an air frost in hollows".
During the cold weather this winter someone asked me what the difference is between ground frost and air frost. This, of course, was because lots of us who live above the coast lost plants from this rare weather condition in otherwise sunny and warm Cyprus.
Here in Middlesbrough we have yet to see an air frost with one third of the winter behind us.
By the end of the last month, weather experts said there had been a series of mild nights with most weather stations south of Scotland yet to report an air frost.
If an air frost coats them they look like mop heads made of spun sugar.
Abutilons, on the other hand, can take an air frost but when the stem freezes at ground level the bark literally blows off exposing the sap and the plant often dies.