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Noun1.agrimonia - a plant of the genus Agrimonia having spikelike clusters of small yellow flowersagrimonia - a plant of the genus Agrimonia having spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers
herb, herbaceous plant - a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests
genus Agrimonia - genus of herbs found chiefly in north temperate regions having pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by bristly fruit
Agrimonia eupatoria, harvest-lice - erect perennial Old World herb of dry grassy habitats
Agrimonia procera, fragrant agrimony - fragrant European perennial herb found at woodland margins on moist soils
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References in periodicals archive ?
Chinese scientists have isolated a compound from Agrimonia pilosa that is a powerful blood coagulant and will inhibit bone, liver and pancreatic cancers.
Malcata, "Effect of particle size upon the extent of extraction of antioxidant power from the plants Agrimonia eupatoria, Salvia sp.
Lim, "Phytochemical analysis of Agrimonia pilosa ledeb, its antioxidant activity and aldose reductase inhibitory potential," International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol.
This patient was treated four times daily by an oral herbal extract medicine, which contains Panax ginseng, Agrimonia pilosa, and white flower Patrinia herb, and comprehensive debridement nursing once a day since September 22, 2016.
Koike, "Phenolic glycosides from Agrimonia pilosa," Phytochemistry, vol.
Es comun sobre madera y corteza de arboles y arbustos (Holm & Holm, 1988; Farr & Rossman, 2016) y sobre tallos herbaceos de Agrimonia sp., Rumex sp.
ROSACEAE (Rose Family) Agrimonia parviflora Aiton--CW, SW; OF; Infrequent but locally abundant; C = 4; BSUH 19794.
Anti-nociceptive effect of Agrimonia eupatoria extract on a cisplatininduced neuropathic model.
Other triterpene extracted from Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb, studied in 3T3-L1 cells is 1[beta]-hydxoxy-2-oxopomolic acid.