agricultural agent

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Noun1.agricultural agent - an advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economicsagricultural agent - an advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economics
adviser, advisor, consultant - an expert who gives advice; "an adviser helped students select their courses"; "the United States sent military advisors to Guatemala"
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Washington Agricultural School on Wheels" carried a nurse, a home demonstration agent, an agricultural agent, and an architect to share the latest techniques with rural people.
Gary Pavlis, professor and agricultural agent at Rutgers University, said: "It was a long, hot October.
If voters pass the levy, the service would add three FTE - including a full-time forester and a commercial agricultural agent - and reduce 4-H and Master Gardener fees by about 25 percent, Punches said.
In 1917, Hall began her career in public service as a home demonstration agricultural agent for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Hunting parties are a source of revenue for the town says Phil Kaspari, the agricultural agent with the Cooperative Extension Service in Delta Junction.
The ground cover can also cut back on weed growth, hold needed moisture in the soil and reduce the need for fertilizer.Hairy vetch has long been a favorite among organic farmers, but the improved variety could increase the market for it among conventional farmers and enhance its reputation among some organic growers."Conventional farming doesn't have its eyes open to this at this point, but it probably will," said Kevin Erb, an agricultural agent with the University of Wisconsin Extension Service.Erb sees Purple Bounty as a way to help Wisconsin farmers raise corn.
Stallings was hired in 1906 as the first county agricultural agent. The county agent model grew rapidly, and in 1914 more than half of the counties in the southern states had county agricultural agents.
In a North Carolina State University survey, farmers told agricultural agent Jim Hamilton they'd have to cut back or go out of business without Mexican labor, and veteran workers like Buca ensure a steady supply, recruiting family and friends and helping them adjust to life in the North Carolina mountains.
The project began when a grower shared ah article on an Ohio produce auction with Laura Paine, an agricultural agent for the University of Wisconsin (UW)-Extension in Columbia County.
There is a fair chance that the winning auctioneer will be another agricultural agent fresh from the cattle market.
Peter Rogers, former North Wales AM who now acts as Mr Parry's agricultural agent, said the size of the outbreak was ``almost unprecedented'' after such a short period following an all-clear.
Be sure to check with your local County Agricultural Agent on possible state bans on importation of live turtles.

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