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Related to Agrippina: Nero, Agrippina the Elder

Ag·rip·pi·na 1

 (ăg′rə-pī′nə, -pē′-) Known as "the Elder." 13 bc?-ad 33.
Roman matron and mother of Caligula. She was influential in the struggle for power during the reign of Tiberius.

Ag·rip·pi·na 2

 (ăg′rə-pī′nə, -pē′-) Known as "the Younger." ad 15?-59.
Roman empress. She reportedly murdered her husband, the emperor Claudius, so that her son by a previous marriage, Nero, would become emperor. Nero, distrusting his mother, had her murdered.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Biography) called the Elder. c. 14 bc–33 ad, Roman matron: granddaughter of Augustus, wife of Germanicus, mother of Caligula and Agrippina the Younger
2. (Biography) called the Younger. 15–59 ad, mother of Nero, who put her to death after he became emperor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Agrippina - wife who poisoned Claudius after her son Nero was declared heir and who was then put to death by NeroAgrippina - wife who poisoned Claudius after her son Nero was declared heir and who was then put to death by Nero
2.Agrippina - granddaughter of Augustus and mother of Caligula and Agrippina the Younger (14 BC - AD 33)Agrippina - granddaughter of Augustus and mother of Caligula and Agrippina the Younger (14 BC - AD 33)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Locusta and Agrippina, living at the same time, were an exception, and proved the determination of providence to effect the entire ruin of the Roman empire, sullied by so many crimes.
Preliminary information about 'Sejanus:' Of the characters in the play the following are patriots, opposed to Sejanus: Agrippina, Drusus, the three boys, Arruntius, Silius, Sabinus, Lepidus, Cordus, Gallus, Regulus.
"Be gay securely; Dispel, my fair, with smiles, the tim'rous clouds, That hang on thy clear brow."--Death of Agrippina
What is even more important in this context, however, is that in Agrippina, Hamilton attempts to resolve some of the problems surrounding women's reading of classical history outlined in the earlier sections of this essay.
Jacqueline Kennedy--amusingly cast by Lubin to play Ethel Rosenberg to Jack's Julius, as well as Agrippina to his slain Germanicus and the better half of Grant Wood's American Gothic--was an icon in her own right.
Her second chapter catalogues more broadly the appearance of elite women in Josephus's Antiquities (for example, Livia, Antonia, Agrippina) to illustrate that these "noblewomen" are presented in a positive light and in "stark contrast" to Josephus's denigration or dismissal of Hasmonean, Herodian, and biblical women (41).
Agrippina is the young Handel's daring, somewhat comical treatment of vicious cynical duplicity--personal and political--and was supported in this case by quite a good cast in a mixed-era staging (cocaine-sniffing degeneracy here; imperial intrigue there).
Jane Newman's new study, though not a synthesis, at least makes the attempt to capture Lohenstein's intellectual complexity with readings of the four plays by Lohenstein which feature female protagonists (Sophonisbe, Epicharis, Agrippina, and Cleopatra).
Earlier in the day, trainer Alan Bailey produced Agrippina to put herself into the reckoning for the 1000 Guineas after overturning the highly- rated Henry Cecil charge High Walden.
It centers upon the machinations of the emperor Nero, who, though he has been placed on the throne by his mother Agrippina (Agrippine), fears his half brother Britannicus as a rival for the throne.
Agrippina, his second wife, to set aside his own son Britannicus and adopt her son by a former marriage, Lucius Domitius (later Nero ), as his successor.