



abbreviation for
1. (Agriculture) agricultural
2. (Agriculture) agriculture
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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However, we cannot also evade the disadvantages of AGR. Obviously, AGR still cannot eliminate the interference of unwanted components of globulin in the analysis results.
AGR petroleum services business will continue to be part of AGR.
The audit found that certain items like interest income and forex gains were excluded while calculating AGR. Telecom companies pay a fix fees as AGR to the government in terms of revenue- sharing agreement.
The USDA should evaluate the extent to which these data could be used to develop fruit and vegetable pricing indices to use in AGR. These index values could also be used in the development of a whole-farm revenue group insurance policy (Chalise, Coble, and Barnett, 2011).
Sverre Skogen, AGR's CEO, commented: "This is a significant win for AGR. Planning work has now commenced out of our Dubai office and once this is complete an operations team will move to the on-site project base prior to the well spudding later this year.
AGR reportedly had clients that were keen to use the AGR software in a Vista compatible version and Codify managed the certification process on behalf of AGR. Codify was involved in identifying changes, pre-testing and fixing problems before finally submitting the software to an independent company to test for compatibility.
AGR Group is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and traded under the ticker AGR.
When regulators complain that "you can start a tissue bank in a garage," they're talking about places like AGR.
Nigeria and Central Africa do not request mission funds from AGR. Only Uganda has rejected a grant of $7,500 US, said ENS.
The PET Wall system processor then translates this data into wall-thickness measurements with an accuracy of 0.001 inch (0.025 mm), says AGR. Data is translated into different graphic formats on the freestanding operator interface monitor, where QC technicians analyze the relative position of the real-time measurements against a predetermined range of acceptable wall-thickness parameters.