Agostino di Duccio

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Agostino di Duccio

(Italian aɡoˈstiːno dɪ ˈduttʃo)
(Biography) 1415–81, Italian sculptor, noted for his carved marble panels in the interior of the Tempio Malatestiano at Rimini
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Francesco in Rimini, designed by Leon Batista Alberti and decorated by Florentine sculptor Agostino di Duccio with exquisite relief panels featuring classical themes.
The inclusion of Agostino di Duccio's limpidly linear Madonna and Child relief from the V&A reminds us that not all rilievo schiacciato looks like Donatello.
Besides such Florentine-trained masters drawn to the area as Niccolo di Giovanni and Agostino di Duccio we find, of course, the widely traveled native son Giovanni Dalmata.