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(Cookery) a Flemish stew of fish or chicken and vegetables, thickened with egg yolk and cream
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In another meal for Vegetable Waterzooi she took inspiration from a trip to Bruges.
But then I glanced over at Priya's choice and was immediately jealous as she tucked into one of the special dishes of the day, Waterzooi, the chef's hometown recipes heralding from Ferriere-la-Grande, where the locals speak a dialect of Flemish rather than French to keep in touch with their Belgian buddies across the border (or maybe not, as the European Union would have it -- currently -- politics, stop it, Stan).
Inspired by the long winters of Belgium, the menu at Lucian Beer Cafe is a treasure trove of hearty favourites, from stoemp to asparagus flamanda, Waterzooi and the famous moules frites.
Encouraged by this display of Belgian cultural sophistication, I took a chance and ordered a traditional Flanders (the name for the northern part of Belgium) stew with waterzooi, aka cuckoo.
Chez Leontine (www.chezleontine.be) on the Groentenmarkt is very rustic and serves up traditional dishes such as Ghent waterzooi (stew).
Mussels and chips are de rigueur in Brussels, but there are many local specialities to try such as croquettes of small shrimps and waterzooi, a hearty fish or chicken stew.
Mussels and frites are famous fare in Belgium but don't miss out on cured meats and cheeses served in the medieval Het Groot Vleeshuis (The Butchers' Hall), while Gentse Waterzooi, a creamy fish and vegetable stew, is far from its literal translation of "boiled water from Ghent".
2 Try a bowl of fish soup One of the specialities is 'gentse waterzooi', a delicious creamy fish and vegetable stew.
We feasted on a seafood collation followed by a Brussels regional dish, waterzooi, a delicate chicken stew in aromatic white sauce.
Maguy Marin's Waterzooi' opened this season's offerings.
Other main dishes to recommend include Chicken waterzooi (BD7.600++), a creamy chicken stew with vegetables which was a firm favourite with little Stan and a fine butter-seared Sole filet meauniere with parsley potatoes (BD12.500++) which we all enjoyed.
It serves the traditional Flemish dish of waterzooi, a delicious chicken stew washed down with a glass of the local brew, the 9%-proof Damse Tripel.