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Verb1.water-wash - wash with water
launder, wash - cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water; "Wash the towels, please!"
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She untied the mouth and ran out into my hand as pretty a stream of gold as I have ever seen--coarse gold, placer gold, some large dust, but mostly nuggets, and it was so fresh and rough that it scarcely showed signs of water-wash.
He came back with great leaps across the jam, one huge hand filled with round, water-washed pebbles.
As the islands consist entirely of coral, and at one time must have existed as mere water-washed reefs, all their terrestrial productions must have been transported here by the waves of the sea.
Under the agreement, Greenlane will provide its water-wash technology solution for a municipal wastewater treatment facility in the Metro Vancouver region of British Columbia, Canada.
The Technical Tips cover a range of subjects, including best practices for flexo plate mounting, platemaking and related prepress subjects, Technical Tips #1 through #3 are available on Anderson & Vreeland's website and cover "Water-wash Platemaking Guidelines," "Viewing Conditions," and "Best Practices: Plate Mounting." Additional Technical Tips will be developed on an on-going basis to create a library of reference material.
One of the detachment mechs attached the water-wash connector, and we were ready to go.
Chattanooga also has been testing a water-wash plate, however, and Frank Anthony, the paper's operations vice president, is still hopeful that Toyobo will eventually make water-wash plates as well.
Leading paint finishing plant specialist, Delta Process Systems, has launched an integrated water-wash paint spray booth and sludge removal system, which is said to achieve considerable cost savings over conventional booths that utilise manual or semi-automatic sludge removal methods.
Delta Process Systems Ltd has launched an integrated water-wash paint spray booth and sludge removal system, which is said to achieve considerable cost savings over conventional booths that utilise manual or semiautomatic sludge removal methods.
Both companies say no washing stage or other cleaning material is needed to produce cleaner flake than is possible with most water-wash systems.