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a. A legal union between two persons that confers certain privileges and entails certain obligations of each person to the other, formerly restricted in the United States to a union between a woman and a man.
b. A similar union of more than two people; a polygamous marriage.
c. A union between persons that is recognized by custom or religious tradition as a marriage.
d. A common-law marriage.
e. The state or relationship of two adults who are married: Their marriage has been a happy one.
2. A wedding: Where is the marriage to take place?
3. A close union: "the most successful marriage of beauty and blood in mainstream comics" (Lloyd Rose).
4. Games The combination of the king and queen of the same suit, as in pinochle.

[Middle English mariage, from Old French, from marier, to marry; see marry1.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. the state or relationship of living together in a legal partnership
2. (Law)
a. the legal union or contract made by two people to live together
b. (as modifier): marriage licence; marriage certificate.
3. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the religious or legal ceremony formalizing this union; wedding
4. (Law) the religious or legal ceremony formalizing this union; wedding
5. a close or intimate union, relationship, etc: a marriage of ideas.
6. (Card Games) (in certain card games, such as bezique, pinochle) the king and queen of the same suit
[C13: from Old French; see marry1, -age]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmær ɪdʒ)

1. the social institution under which a man and woman live as husband and wife by legal or religious commitments.
2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married.
3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes marriage.
4. an intimate living arrangement without legal sanction: a trial marriage.
5. any intimate association or union.
6. a blending of different elements or components.
[1250–1300; < Old French, =mari(er) to marry1 + -age -age]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


the form of marriage in which brothers have a common wife or wives. — adelphogamic, adj.
the state or practice of being married to more than one wife or one husband at a time. — bigamist, n. — bigamous, adj.
the state of being single or unmarried, especially in the case of one bound by vows not to marry. — celibate, n., adj.
an advocate of celibacy.
the practice of a married woman having an escort or cavalier, called a cicisbeo, in attendance.
digamism. — deuterogamist, n. — deuterogamous, adj.
a second legal marriage after the termination of a first marriage by death or divorce. Also called deuterogamy. — digamist, n. — digamous, adj.
the custom of marrying only within one’s tribe or similar social unit. — endogamic, endogamous, adj.
a song or poem composed and performed in honor of a bride or groom.
the practice of marrying only outside one’s tribe or similar social unit. — exogamic, exogamous, adj.
1. Obsolete, a form of mania characterized by strange and extravagant proposals of marriage.
2. an excessive longing for the married state.
an abnormal fear of marriage.
the killing of a husband. — mariticidal, adj.
the act or state of marriage; married life. — matrimonial, adj.
a hatred of marriage. — misogamist, n. — misogamic, adj.
the custom of marriage to only one man at a time. — monandrous, adj.
the custom of marriage to one wife or one husband at a time. — monogamous, adj.
designating or pertaining to a marriage between a man of high social standing and a woman of lower station in which the marriage contract stipulates that neither she nor their offspring will have claim to his rank or property.
a person recently married; a newlywed.
the condition of being marriageable, especially in reference to a woman’s age or physical development. — nubile, adj.
a form of marriage in which every woman in a community is married to every man and every man is married to every woman. — pantagamic, adj.
the best man or maid of honor at a wedding.
the practice of having two or more husbands at a time. — polyandrous, adj.
the practice or state of being married to more than one person at a time. — polygamous, adj.
the practice of having two or more wives at a time. — polygynous, polygynious, adj.
a nuptial or wedding song or verse.
the condition of having three spouses, especially in the criminal sense of having them simultaneously. — trigamous, adj.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. Adultery in a house is like a worm in poppy seeds —Babylonian Talmud
  2. Adultery’s like the common cold, if one bedfellow contracts it, his companion automatically does —Robert Traver
  3. Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse —Arthur Baer, New York Journal American
  4. Bridesmaids in their flowery frocks bloom round the bride like hollyhocks —Ogden Nash
  5. The death of a man’s wife is like cutting down an ancient oak that has long shaded the family mansion —Alphonse de Lamartine

    See Also: DEATH

  6. Divorced men are like marked-down clothes; you get them after the season during which they would have made a sensation, and there is less choice, but they’re easier to acquire —Judith Martin
  7. Divorce is like a side dish that nobody remembers having ordered —Alexander King
  8. For an artist to marry his model is as fatal as for a gourmet to marry his cook: the one gets no sittings, and the other no dinners —Oscar Wilde
  9. For an old man to marry a young girl is like buying a new book for somebody else to read —Anon
  10. Getting married is like a healthy man going into a sickbed —Isaac Bashevis Singer
  11. Getting married is serious business. It’s kinda formal, like funerals or playing stud poker —line from 1940 movie, They Knew What They Wanted

    The actor voicing this was William Gargan.

  12. He [husband of long-standing] is like an old coat, beautiful in texture, but easy and loose —Audrey Colvin, letter to New York Times/,Ll July 17, 1986
  13. A husband, like religion and medicine, must be taken with blind faith —Helen Rowland

    This has been modernized from “Like unto religion.”

  14. Husbands, like governments must never admit they are wrong —Honoré de Balzac
  15. Husbands are like (motor) cars; all are good the first year —Channing Pollock
  16. Husbands are like fires, they go out when unattended —Zsa Zsa Gabor
  17. Husbands should be like Kleenex, soft, clean and disposable —Madeline Kahn, interview, television news program, December, 1985
  18. A husband without ability is like a house without a roof —Spanish proverb
  19. It [a second marriage] is the triumph of hope over experience —Samuel Johnson
  20. It [marriage] resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any one who comes between them —Sydney Smith
  21. It’s [the permanence of marriage] like having siblings: you can’t lose a brother or a sister. They’re always there —Germaine Greer, Playboy, January, 1972
  22. It [marriage and motherhood] was like being brainwashed, and afterward you went about numb as a slave in some private, totalitarian state —Sylvia Plath
  23. Like suicide, divorce was something that had to be done on a thoughtless impulse, full speed ahead —R. V. Cassill
  24. A man’s wife should fit like a good, comfortable shoe —Ukrainian proverb
  25. A man with a face that looks like someone had thrown it at him in anger nearly always marries before he is old enough to vote —Finley Peter Dunne
  26. Many a marriage has commenced like the morning, red, and perished like a mushroom … because the married pair neglected to be as agreeable to each other after their union as they were before it —Frederika Bremer
  27. Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside frantic to get in and those inside frantic to get out —Michel de Montaigne

    The simile also appeared in a play by a sixteenth century dramatist, John Webster, beginning “Marriage is just like a summer bird cage in a garden.” See the French proverb below for yet another twist on the same theme.

  28. Marriage from love, like vinegar from wine, a sad, sour, sober beverage —Lord Byron
  29. Marriage is a good deal like a circus: there is not as much in it as is represented in the advertising —Edgar Watson Howe
  30. Marriage is a hand grenade with the pin out. You hold your breath waiting for the explosion —Abraham Rothberg
  31. Marriage is like a three-speed gearbox: affection, friendship, love —Peter Ustinov
  32. Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress; those who are without want to get in, and those within want to get out —French proverb
  33. Marriage is like a dull meal with the dessert at the beginning —dialogue from the movie, Moulin Rouge

    The dialogue was spoken by Jose Ferrer as Toulouse Lautrec.

  34. Marriage is like a long trip in a tiny rowboat: if one passenger starts to rock the boat, the other has to steady it; otherwise they’ll go to bottom together —Dr. David R. Reuben, Reader’s Digest, January, 1973
  35. Marriage is like a river; it is easier to fall in than out —Anon
  36. Marriage is like a ship; sometimes you just have to ride out the storm —“L. A. Law,” television drama, 1987
  37. Marriage is like buying something you’ve been admiring for a long time in a shop window … you may love it when you get home but it doesn’t always go with everything else in the house —Jean Kerr
  38. Marriage is like life in this … that it is a field of battle, and not a bed of roses —Robert Louis Stevenson
  39. Marriage is like panty-hose; it all depends on what you put into it —Phyllis Schlafly
  40. Marriage is like twirling a baton, turning handsprings or eating with chopsticks; it looks so easy till you try it —Helen Rowland
  41. Marriage like death is nothing to worry about —Don Herod
  42. Marriages are like diets. They can be ruined by having a little dish on the side —Earl Wilson
  43. Marriages, like houses, need constant patching —Nancy Mairs, New York Times/Hers, July 30, 1987

    The simile was the highlighted blurb to capture reader attention. Actually it was a capsulized paraphrase from Ms. Mairs’ own concluding words: “Marriages, like houses, haven’t got ‘ever afters’.” The stucco chips off and the cat falls through the screen and the bathroom drain runs slow. If you don’t want the house falling down around your ears, you must plan to learn to wield a trowel and a hammer and a plunger.

  44. Marriages were breaking up as fast as tires blowing in a long race —Norman Mailer
  45. A marriage that grew like a great book, filling twenty-five years with many thousands of elaborate and subtle details —Larry McMurtry
  46. A (seventeen-year) marriage that had been patched like an old rubber tire gone too many miles on a treadmill —Paige Mitchell
  47. (She had decided long before that) marriage was like breathing, as soon as you noticed the process, you stopped it at peril of your life —Laura Furman
  48. A married man forms married habits and becomes dependent on marriage just as a sailor becomes dependent on the sea —George Bernard Shaw
  49. Married so long … like Siamese twins they infect each other’s feelings —Mary Hedin
  50. Marrying a daughter to a boor is like throwing her to a lion —Babylonian Talmud
  51. Marrying a woman for her money is very much like setting a rat-trap, and baiting it with your own finger —Josh Billings

    In Billings’ phonetic dialect: “munny is vera mutch like … with yure own finger.”

  52. Matrimony, like a dip in the sea, first stimulates, then chills. But once out of the water the call of the ocean lures the bather to another plunge —Anon
  53. Middle-aged marriages in which people seem stuck like flies caught in jelly —Norma Klein

    See Also: ENTRAPMENT

  54. (I am as) monogamous as the North Star —Carolyn Kizer
  55. The sickening cords of their marriage drying everything like an invisible paste —John Updike
  56. A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day —Andre Maurois
  57. They [bride and groom] looked as though they belonged on top of their own enormous cake —Paul Reidinger
  58. Wartime marriage … it’s like being married on top of a volcano —H. E. Bates

    See Also: DANGER

  59. Wedlock’s like wine, not properly judged of till the second glass —Douglas Jerrold
  60. Wife swapping is like a form of incest in which nobody’s more guilty than anybody else —Germaine Greer, Playboy, January, 1972
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



cheese and kisses Rhyming slang for missis, one’s wife. This British expression is popular in Australia, where it is frequently shortened to simply cheese. It also enjoys some use on the West Coast of the United States. Ernest Booth used the phrase in American Mercury in 1928.

Darby and Joan A happily married, older couple; an old-fashioned, loving couple. According to one account, the pair was immortalized by Henry Wood-fall in a love ballad entitled “The Joys of Love Never Forgot: A Song,” which appeared in a 1735 edition of Gentleman’s Magazine, a British publication. Darby is John Darby, a former employer of Woodfall’s. Joan is Darby’s wife. The two were inseparable, acting like honeymooners even into their golden years. Darby and Joan was also the name of a popular 19th-century song. Darby and Joan Clubs are in Britain what Senior Citizens’ Clubs are in the United States. The word darbies is sometimes used as a nickname for handcuffs. The rationale is that handcuffs are an inseparable pair.

go to the world To be married or wed, to become man and wife. World in this expression refers to the secular, lay life as opposed to the religious, clerical life. The phrase, no longer heard today, dates from at least 1565. It appeared in Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well:

But, if I may have your ladyship’s good will to go to the world, Isbel the woman and I will do as we may. (I, iii)

jump over the broomstick To get married; said of those whose wedding ceremony is informal or unofficial. Variants include to marry over the broomstick, to jump the besom, and to jump the broom. This expression, which dates from the late 18th century, refers to the informal marriage ceremony in which both parties jumped over a besom, or broomstick, into the land of holy matrimony. Although neither the ceremony nor the phrase is common today, they were well-known to Southern Negro slaves, who were not considered important enough to merit church weddings, and so were married by jumping over the broomstick.

There’s some as think she was married over the broom-stick, if she was married at all. (Julian Hawthorne, Fortune’s Fool, 1883)

mother of pearl Girlfriend or wife. This phrase is rhyming slang for girl, but applies almost exclusively to females who are girlfriends or wives.

my old dutch Wife. This expression of endearment is a British colloquialism for one’s spouse. Here dutch is short for duchess.

plates and dishes Rhyming slang for missis, one’s wife. Plates and dishes are a rather pointed reference to the household duties of a wife.

step off See DEATH.

trouble and strife Rhyming slang for wife, dating from the early 1900s. According to Julian Franklyn (A Dictionary of Rhyming Slang), this is the most widely used of the many rhyming slang phrases for wife, including struggle and strife, worry and strife, and the American equivalent storm and strife.

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'marriage'

Marriage refers to the state of being married, or to the relationship between a husband and wife.

I wasn't interested in marriage or children.
They have a very happy marriage.

You can also use marriage to refer to the act of getting married.

Her family did not approve of her marriage to David.
2. 'wedding'

You don't usually use 'marriage' to refer to the ceremony in which two people get married. Use wedding.

He was not invited to the wedding.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.marriage - the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce)marriage - the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union"
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
marital status - the condition of being married or unmarried
bigamy - having two spouses at the same time
common-law marriage - a marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony
endogamy, inmarriage, intermarriage - marriage within one's own tribe or group as required by custom or law
exogamy, intermarriage - marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other than your own as required by custom or law
marriage of convenience - a marriage for expediency rather than love
misalliance - an unsuitable alliance (especially with regard to marriage)
monandry - the state of having only one husband at a time
monogamousness, monogamy - having only one spouse at a time
open marriage - a marriage in which each partner is free to enter into extraneous sexual relationships without guilt or jealousy from the other
cuckoldom - the state of a husband whose wife has committed adultery
polygamy - having more than one spouse at a time
sigeh - a Shiite tradition of temporary marriage permitted in Iran that allows a couple to specify the terms of their relationship; can last from a few minutes to 99 years; "sigeh legally wraps premarital sex in an Islamic cloak"
2.marriage - two people who are married to each othermarriage - two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
family unit, family - primary social group; parents and children; "he wanted to have a good job before starting a family"
mixed marriage - marriage of two people from different races or different religions or different cultures; "the families of both partners in a mixed marriage often disapprove"
better half, married person, partner, spouse, mate - a person's partner in marriage
3.marriage - the act of marryingmarriage - the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
ritual, rite - any customary observance or practice
bridal, espousal - archaic terms for a wedding or wedding feast
civil marriage - a marriage performed by a government official rather than by a clergyman
love match - a marriage for love's sake; not an arranged marriage
remarriage - the act of marrying again
4.marriage - a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"
unification, union - the state of being joined or united or linked; "there is strength in union"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. wedding, match, nuptials, wedlock, wedding ceremony, matrimony, espousal, nuptial rites When did the marriage take place?
2. union, coupling, link, association, alliance, merger, confederation, amalgamation The merger is an audacious marriage between old and new.
Related words
adjectives conjugal, connubial, hymeneal, marital, nuptial
like gamomania
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" Bible: Genesis
"`Marriage': this I call the will that moves two to create the one which is more than those who created it" [Friedrich Nietzsche Thus Spake Zarathustra]
"Let me not to the marriage of true minds"
"Admit impediments. Love is not love"
"Which alters when it alteration finds,"
"Or bends with the remover to remove" [William Shakespeare Sonnet 116]
"A happy marriage perhaps represents the ideal of human relationship - a setting in which each partner, while acknowledging the need of the other, feels free to be what he or she by nature is" [Anthony Storr The Integrity of the Personality]
"Marriage is an act of will that signifies and involves a mutual gift, which unites the spouses and binds them to their eventual souls, with whom they make up a sole family - a domestic church" [Pope John Paul II]
"Marriage is socialism among two people" [Barbara Ehrenreich The Worst Years of Our Lives]
"The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast" [Gabriel García Márquez Love in the Time of Cholera]
"A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it" [John Steinbeck Travels With Charley: In Search of America]
"Marriage brings one into fatal connection with custom and tradition, and traditions and customs are like the wind and weather, altogether incalculable" [Søren Kierkegaard Either/Or]
"Marriage must be a relation either of sympathy or of conquest" [George Eliot Romola]
"A marriage is no amusement but a solemn act, and generally a sad one" [Queen Victoria Letter to her daughter]
"Either marriage is a destiny, I believe, or there is no sense in it at all, it's a piece of humbug" [Max Frisch I'm Not Stiller]
"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance" [Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice]
"Every woman should marry - and no man" [Benjamin Disraeli Lothair]
"There are good marriages, but no delightful ones" [Duc de la Rochefoucauld Réflexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales]
"It doesn't much signify whom one marries, for one is sure to find next morning that it was someone else" [Samuel Rogers Table Talk]
"It is a woman's business to get married as soon as possible, and a man's to keep unmarried as long as he can" [George Bernard Shaw Man and Superman]
"Marriage is like life in this - that it is a field of battle, and not a bed of roses" [Robert Louis Stevenson Virginibus Puerisque]
"I married beneath me, all women do" [Nancy Astor]
"Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor - which is one very strong argument in favour of matrimony" [Jane Austen letter]
"Marriage is the grave or tomb of wit" [Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle Nature's Three Daughters]
"Courtship to marriage, as a very witty prologue to a very dull play" [William Congreve The Old Bachelor]
"I am to be married within these three days; married past redemption" [John Dryden Marriage à la Mode]
"Men are April when they woo, December when they wed" [William Shakespeare As You Like It]
"Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution yet" [Mae West]
"Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures" [Dr. Johnson]
"Marriages are made in Heaven" [John Lyly Euphues and his England]
"Men marry because they are tired, women because they are curious; both are disappointed" [Oscar Wilde A Woman of No Importance]
"A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short" [André Maurois Memories]
"Marriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness" [Langdon Mitchell]
"Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity" [George Bernard Shaw Maxims for Revolutionists]
"Strange to say what delight we married people have to see these poor fools decoyed into our condition" [Samuel Pepys]
"There is not one in a hundred of either sex who is not taken in when they marry... it is, of all transactions, the one in which people expect most from others, and are least honest themselves" [Jane Austen Mansfield Park]
"It was very good of God to let Carlyle and Mrs. Carlyle marry one another and so make only two people miserable instead of four" [Samuel Butler]
"one fool at least in every married couple" [Henry Fielding Amelia]
"There once was an old man of Lyme"
"Who married three wives at a time,"
"When asked 'Why a third?'"
"He replied, `One's absurd!"
"And bigamy, Sir, is a crime!'" [William Cosmo Monkhouse]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The state of being united as husband and wife:
2. The act or ceremony by which two people become husband and wife:
bridal, espousal, nuptial (often used in plural), spousal (often used in plural), wedding.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَزاوُج، مُزاوَجَه، دَمْجزَوَاجٌزواج، حياة الزَّواجمَراسيم الزَّواج
avioliittohäätnaimakaupparekisteröity parisuhde
esküvőházasságházasságkötéspolgári esküvő
gifting, hjónavígslahjónabandnáiî samand
galintis tekėtigalintis vestiglaudi sąjungajunginyssantuoka
apvienojums, vienotībalaulībalaulība, laulības dzīve
sự kết hôn


A. N
1. (= state of being married) → matrimonio m
aunt by marriagetía f política
to be related by marriageestar emparentados
to become related by marriage to sbemparentar con algn
marriage of conveniencematrimonio m de conveniencia
to give sb in marriage tocasar a algn con, dar a algn en matrimonio a
2. (= wedding) → boda f, casamiento m (fig) → unión f
B. CPD marriage bed Nlecho m nupcial, tálamo m (frm)
marriage bonds NPLlazos mpl or vínculos mpl matrimoniales
marriage broker Ncasamentero/a m/f
marriage bureau Nagencia f matrimonial
marriage ceremony Nceremonia f nupcial, matrimonio m
marriage certificate Npartida f matrimonial or de matrimonio
marriage counseling N (US) = marriage guidance marriage counselor N (US) = marriage guidance counsellor marriage guidance Norientación f matrimonial
marriage guidance counsellor Nconsejero/a m/f matrimonial
marriage licence, marriage license N (US) → licencia f matrimonial
marriage lines NPL (Brit) → partida f matrimonial or de matrimonio
marriage partner Ncónyuge mf, consorte mf
marriage rate N(índice m de) nupcialidad f
marriage settlement Ncontrato m matrimonial (Jur) → capitulaciones fpl (matrimoniales)
marriage vows NPLvotos mpl matrimoniales
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈmærɪdʒ] nmariage m
six years of marriage → six ans de mariage
I never wanted marriage
BUT Je n'ai jamais voulu me marier.
marriage to sb → mariage avec qn
I opposed her marriage to Darryl → Je me suis opposé à son mariage avec Darryl.marriage bureau nagence f matrimonialemarriage ceremony ncérémonie f de mariagemarriage certificate nacte m de mariagemarriage guidance (British) marriage counseling (US) nconseil m conjugalmarriage guidance counsellor (British) marriage counselor (US) nconseiller/ère m/f conjugal(e)marriage of convenience nmariage m de convenancemarriage vows nplvœux mpl de mariage
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(state) → die Ehe; (= wedding)Hochzeit f, → Heirat f; (= marriage ceremony)Trauung f; marriage of convenienceVernunftehe f; relations by marriageangeheiratete Verwandte; to be related by marriage (in-laws) → miteinander verschwägert sein; (others) → miteinander verwandt sein; to give somebody in marriage to somebodyjdn jdm zur Frau geben; to give somebody in marriagejdn verheiraten; an offer of marriageein Heiratsantrag m
(fig)Verbindung f; a marriage of two mindseine geistige Ehe


marriage bed
nEhebett nt
marriage broker
nHeiratsvermittler(in) m(f); (Jur) → Ehemakler(in) m(f)
marriage bureau
nHeiratsinstitut nt
marriage ceremony
nTrauzeremonie f
marriage certificate
marriage contract
n (Jur) → Ehevertrag m
marriage counselling, (US) marriage counseling
nEheberatung f
marriage counsellor, (US) marriage counselor
nEheberater(in) m(f)
marriage guidance
nEheberatung f
marriage guidance centre, marriage guidance center (US)
marriage guidance counsellor, marriage guidance counselor (US)
nEheberater(in) m(f)
marriage licence, (US) marriage license
nEheerlaubnis f
marriage lines
plTrauschein m
marriage plans
plHochzeitspläne pl
marriage portion
n (old)Mitgift f
marriage problems
plEheprobleme pl
marriage proposal
marriage settlement
nEhevertrag m
marriage vow
nEhegelübde nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. nmatrimonio
he's my uncle by marriage → è uno zio acquisito
2. adj (vows) → di matrimonio; (bed) → coniugale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈmӕridʒ) noun
1. the ceremony by which a man and woman become husband and wife. Their marriage took place last week; (also adjective) the marriage ceremony.
2. the state of being married; married life. Their marriage lasted for thirty happy years.
3. a close joining together. the marriage of his skill and her judgement.
ˈmarriageable adjective
suitable, or at a proper age, for marriage. He has four marriageable daughters; marriageable age.
marriage licence
a paper giving official permission for a marriage to take place.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


زَوَاجٌ manželství ægteskab Ehe γάμος matrimonio avioliitto mariage brak matrimonio 結婚 결혼 huwelijk ekteskap małżeństwo casamento брак äktenskap การแต่งงาน evlilik sự kết hôn 婚姻
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. matrimonio; [ceremony] boda, casamiento.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012