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n.1.(Zool.) Any species of Australian birds of the genus Acanthorhynchus. They are related to the honey eaters.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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This is followed by the Eastern Spinebill that, when the banknote is tilted diagonally, shows the different poses of the bird progressively highlighted, making it look as if it is flying.
In the shrub that screens the large west window an eastern spinebill goes busily about its important work.
But it does offer a lifeline to young eucalypts and acacias, silver with green growth despite the drought, refuges for pardalotes, thornbills, silver-eyes, magpies scanning their territory, weebills, red-capped robins, even western spinebills, and when the mistletoe is out on the jam trees, the mistletoe birds.
If you look at, for example, the length of the tube of the blossoms of correas or kangaroo paws in Western Australia, that curve matches exactly the length and curve of the bills of western spinebills. There is this absolutely beautiful, mutual adaptation to a task.