


a. espinoso-a, acantoso-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Male cerci with external branch rather long and spine-shaped, curved upward and with acute apex; inner branch longer, partially lamelliform and with two lobes, the upper one hook-shaped, the lower one smaller and armed with very small apical hooks.
Penis consists of three to four successive regions: firstly slender, short, proximal region entered by the vas deferens and onto which penis retractor inserts, has penis papilla in lumen proximally; second and third regions larger, with spine-shaped projections of lining epithelium projecting into lumen and supported by subepithelial core of either calcareous matter or merely connective tissue.
Epithelium lining second and third parts of penis forming numerous spine-shaped extensions intruding into lumen; not dominated by a single, very large spine.
That includes the medical - doctors can order images of their patients on MRI and CT scanners on site - to the aesthetic: the clinic features two courtyard Zen gardens, including one visible from one of the operating rooms, and spine-shaped light fixtures in the waiting areas.
Pedipalp dark reddish brown; palpal cymbium without basal pit; palpal femur without furrow; bulb small and globe-like; embolus short and stout, spine-shaped; upper distal corner of conductor slightly bent upwards (Figs.
Pedipalp dark reddish brown; palpal cymbium without basal pit; palpal femur without furrow; bulb small and globe like; embolus short and stout spine-shaped; upper distal corner of conductor conspicuously bent upwards (Figs.