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 (sōl-fĕj′ē-ō′, -fĕj′ō)
n. pl. sol·feg·gi (-fĕj′ē) or sol·feg·gios Music
1. Use of the sol-fa syllables to note the tones of the scale; solmization.
2. A singing exercise in which the sol-fa syllables are used instead of text.

[Italian, from solfa, sol-fa; see sol-fa.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(sɒlˈfɛdʒɪˌəʊ) or


n, pl -feggi (-ˈfɛdʒiː) , -feggios or -fèges
1. (Music, other) a voice exercise in which runs, scales, etc, are sung to the same syllable or syllables
2. (Music, other) solmization, esp the French or Italian system, in which the names correspond to the notes of the scale of C major
[C18: from Italian solfeggiare to use the syllables sol-fa; see gamut]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(sɒlˈfɛdʒ oʊ, -ˈfɛdʒ iˌoʊ)

n., pl. -feg•gi (-ˈfɛdʒ i)
1. a vocal exercise using sol-fa syllables.
[1765–75; < Italian, derivative of solfeggiare=solf(a) (see sol -fa) + -eggiare v. suffix]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


, gamut - Solfeggio and gamut are words formed on the sequence of musical notes.
See also related terms for sequence.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.solfeggio - singing using solfa syllables to denote the notes of the scale of C major
singing, vocalizing - the act of singing vocal music
2.solfeggio - a voice exercise; singing scales or runs to the same syllable
singing, vocalizing - the act of singing vocal music
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Having finished her morning tea she went to the ballroom, which she particularly liked for its loud resonance, and began singing her solfeggio. When she had finished her first exercise she stood still in the middle of the room and sang a musical phrase that particularly pleased her.
By blending isochronic tones, solfeggio frequencies, and spoken guidance, the app is able to deliver a collection of over 350 unique tracks including a section devoted to sleep and Auto Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), resulting in a rich universe of meditations to help individuals with their creativity, focus, and mindfulness.
Their debut EP as a four-piece, Liberating Guilt and Fear, was tuned down to conform to the lowest of the "Solfeggio frequencies," a six-tone scale that some new age pseudo-scientists insist can better align the listener with the universe's basic frequencies.
Battaglia is meticulous and careful to define the vocalise, and to delineate the evolution of this concept and other "exercises" for the voice: "The terms solfeggio, esercizio, and vocalizzo all shared the same objective in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as a means of educating and developing vocal expressivity by exploring sounds shaped by one or more vowels." He has included a very helpful bibliography, which provides an opportunity for further research and discovery.
This includes substantial one-to-one tuition on the students' primary instruments, as well as second-study piano lessons, music history, music theory, and group-singing teaching via the Solfeggio method.
Holmes' moveable-do instruction was based on CS and fixed-do instruction was based on two Russian solfege textbooks: Solfeggio Podgotovitelny Class by Frolova (2006) and Solfeggio dlya 1 classa detskoy muzykalnoy shkoly by Metallidi & Pertcovskaya (2003).
The exhibition features photographs of artist Raj arrayed in the traditional authentic finery of various regions and nations while sounds pieces by Nelly Furtado explore new territory featuring Solfeggio Frequencies, frequencies that allow the mind and body to achieve a greater sense of balancing and deep healing.
Whether it is a solfeggio lesson, music history course or orchestra rehearsal, not to mention the special classes for performers--instrumentalists and vocalists, amongst others--the sheet music and books continuously flow away from the library and soon return to their shelves again, to rest in one of the three separate, dedicated, book-filled spaces" (1).
It began with learning to read musical notation, followed by the principles of solfeggio and harmony, culminating in training to read music in choir session and even impromptu sight-reading performance.
Also studies in theory, harmony, analysis, form and structure, history of music, solfeggio, counterpoint, and Byzantine music are taught as classroom subjects.
I listen to solfeggio tones, binaural beats and meditate in the dark.
Some older hoodies, perched upon a nearby bus stop, stop gobbing at passers by and begin a Gregorian chant, using the beautiful harmonics of the solfeggio musical scale to bring a sense of healing and well being to the stunned people getting of the bus from the Metrocentre.