saddle blanket

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saddle blanket

A blanket placed between a saddle and a horse's back to prevent galling.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.saddle blanket - stable gear consisting of a blanket placed under the saddlesaddle blanket - stable gear consisting of a blanket placed under the saddle
apishamore - a saddle blanket made of buffalo hide
saddlery, stable gear, tack - gear for a horse
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Bravely she hummed an air as she arranged her saddle near the fire and pulled a quantity of long grass to make a comfortable seat over which she spread her saddle blanket. Then she un-strapped a heavy, military coat from the cantle of her saddle and donned it, for the air was already chill.
Captain Armand Jacot of the Foreign Legion sat upon an outspread saddle blanket at the foot of a stunted palm tree.
At the core of the Museum is one of the Southwest's premier collections of Navajo and Hopi pre-1940s textiles, including displays of chiefs blankets, Navajo saddle blankets, optical art textiles and weavings.
For his exhibition at Signal Gallery in Brooklyn this summer, titled "Ahora y Nunca" (Now and Never), Boyer mined a long-standing daydream to present an array of Selena memorabilia, including an only partially visible treasure trove of Selena-related ephemera and merchandise neatly packed in six transparent storage bins (The Boyer Family Archive of Selena Quintanilla Miscellany, 1996-2017), alongside mysterious and richly textured original objects: vibrant saddle blankets, copper and silver hand mirrors, and luminous paintings on silk.
Coats of arms are everywhere, even on horses' saddle blankets. In an era when few can read or write, coats of arms make it easy for people to know who is who.
AK-47's were poorly hidden beneath the men's legs and the saddle blankets. They passed us on my side of the vehicle.
Members of the Circle of Honour presented the graduates with eagle feathers blessed on site, and faculty members presented grads with colourful Pendleton saddle blankets.
Joe and his wife, Leah, have an extensive collection that includes windmill weights, rifles, spurs, vintage utensils and Navajo saddle blankets.
Jeweled bridles and daggers, ancient embroidered saddle blankets, pottery, glassware and ancient texts paint a complete picture of cultural influence.
I've found sleeping bags, blankets, pillows (good for puppies), camp stoves, lanterns, fishing poles, cases of food, beer, pop, groceries, tires off of boats, spare tires, semi-truck tires with rims, hub caps (they make great dog dishes), nuts, bolts, springs and parts off of trailers (some off our vehicles), fan belts, tools, a level (not broken), trailer hitch receivers, trailer balls, boat anchors, ropes, saddle blankets, dog dishes, a Levi jacket, windbreakers, caps, shoes, hats, hard hats, sunglasses, DPS hat (Smokey the bear) and one real nice leather jacket (after the bike run), wallets (nothing in them), children's toys, and stuffed animals (washed and given to thrift stores).