saddle horn

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Related to saddle horn: English saddle


1. one of the hard, keratinous, permanent, hollow, and usu. paired growths projecting from the head of certain ungulates, esp. bovids.
2. a similar growth, sometimes of compacted hair, as the median horn on a rhinoceros or the tusk of a narwhal.
3. (not in technical use) antler.
4. a process projecting from the head of an animal and suggestive of such a growth, as a feeler, tentacle, or crest.
5. the keratinous substance of which horn growths are composed in vertebrates.
6. any similar substance, as that forming tortoise shell, hoofs, nails, or corns.
7. an article made of the material of an animal horn or like substance.
8. any projection or extremity resembling the horn of an animal.
9. something made from, resembling, or suggesting a hollowed-out animal horn: a drinking horn.
10. a part resembling an animal horn attributed to deities, demons, etc.: the devil's horn.
11. Usu., horns. the imaginary projections on a cuckold's brow.
13. an animal horn used as a wind instrument.
14. an instrument for sounding a warning signal: an automobile horn.
a. a tube of varying cross section used in some loudspeakers to couple the diaphragm to the sound-transmitting space.
b. Slang. a loudspeaker.
16. Slang. a telephone or radiotelephone.
17. a saddle pommel, esp. a high one.
18. one of the curved extremities of a crescent, esp. of the crescent moon.
19. a pyramidal mountain peak, esp. one having concave faces.
20. a symbol of power or strength, as in the Bible: a horn of salvation.
21. to butt or gore with the horns.
22. to cuckold.
23. horn in, Informal. to thrust oneself forward obtrusively; intrude or interrupt.
24. made of horn.
1. blow ortoot one's own horn, to boast about oneself.
2. draw or pull in one's horns, to restrain oneself; become less belligerent.
3. on the horns of a dilemma, confronted with two equally disagreeable choices.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old High German, Old Norse horn, Gothic haurn, Latin cornu, Irish, Welsh corn; akin to Greek kéras horn]



Cape, Cape Horn.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.saddle horn - a high pommel of a Western saddle (usually metal covered with leather)saddle horn - a high pommel of a Western saddle (usually metal covered with leather)
saddlebow, pommel - handgrip formed by the raised front part of a saddle
stock saddle, Western saddle - an ornamented saddle used by cowboys; has a high horn to hold the lariat
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Two crock jugs wrapped in burlap hung over the saddle horn. Dad had a bundle wagon, so he was out in the field loading bundles.
One bullet grazed Mossman's nose, one took off his saddle horn, and one cut his reins.
All you need do is grab the saddle horn, hoist yourself into the saddle, and get to hunting.
Cut a slit between tendon and bone and sling a hindquarter on each side of the saddle horn and a front quarter on each side of the cantle (rear of the saddle seat).
Do you flinch, tighten up your body, and grasp the saddle horn with your hands, all at the speed of light?
The tiny blonde sat tall in the saddle, concentrating on keeping her chin high, left hand holding the reins above the saddle horn, right hand resting lightly on her right thigh.
The atypical legend story for this mishap involves horses, saddles and cowboys and was often related by Elmer Keith (among others) after it was said the cowboy had finished clinching up the saddle he would throw the heavy stirrup down off the saddle horn and it would strike the hammer on his holstered single-action on its way down, to be followed immediately by a loud noise and a resulting yell of pain.