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a. Abbr. Rd. An open, generally public way for the passage of vehicles, people, and animals.
b. The surface of a road; a roadbed.
2. A course or path: the road to riches.
3. A railroad.
4. often roads Nautical A roadstead.
down the road
In the future; at a later date.
on the road
1. On tour, as a theatrical company.
2. Traveling, especially as a salesperson.
3. Wandering, as a vagabond.

[Middle English rode, rade, a riding, road, from Old English rād; see reidh- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Automotive Engineering)
a. an open way, usually surfaced with asphalt or concrete, providing passage from one place to another
b. (as modifier): road traffic; a road map; a road sign.
c. (in combination): the roadside.
2. (Human Geography)
a. a street
b. (capital when part of a name): London Road.
3. (Railways)
a. US short for railroad
b. Brit one of the tracks of a railway
4. a way, path, or course: the road to fame.
5. (Nautical Terms) (often plural) nautical Also called: roadstead a partly sheltered anchorage
6. (Mining & Quarrying) a drift or tunnel in a mine, esp a level one
7. hit the road slang to start or resume travelling
8. on the road
a. travelling, esp as a salesman
b. (of a theatre company, pop group, etc) on tour
c. leading a wandering life
9. take the road take to the road to begin a journey or tour
10. one for the road informal a last alcoholic drink before leaving
[Old English rād; related to rīdan to ride, and to Old Saxon rēda, Old Norse reith]
ˈroadless adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a long, narrow stretch with a leveled or paved surface, made for traveling by motor vehicle, carriage, etc.; street or highway.
2. a way or course: the road to peace.
3. Often, roads. roadstead.
5. any tunnel in a mine used for hauling.
down the road, at some future time.
[before 900; Middle English rode, earlier rade, Old English rād a journey on horseback, akin to rīdan to ride]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- First meant "riding" or "hostile incursion on horseback"—a sense preserved in "inroads."
See also related terms for riding.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'street'

A street is a road in a town or large village, usually with houses or other buildings built alongside it.

The two men walked slowly down the street.
They went into the café across the street.
2. 'road'

Road is a very general word for a paved way in a town or between towns. You can use road in almost any context where street is used. For example, you can say 'They walked down the street' or 'They walked down the road'. You can also use road for paved ways in the countryside.

The road to the airport was blocked.
They drove up a steep, twisting mountain road.
3. 'lane'

A lane is a narrow road, usually in the countryside.

There's a cottage at the end of the lane.
He rode his horse down a muddy lane.

A lane is also one of the parts of a large road such as a motorway, which has more than one line of traffic going in each direction.

She accelerated into the fast lane.
Are taxis allowed to use the bus lane?
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.road - an open way (generally public) for travel or transportationroad - an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
access road, slip road - a short road giving access to an expressway; "in Britain they call an access road a slip road"
bend, curve - curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
bypath, byroad, byway - a side road little traveled (as in the countryside)
causeway - a road that is raised above water or marshland or sand
clearway - a road on which you are not allowed to stop (unless you have a breakdown)
corduroy - a road made of logs laid crosswise
crest, crown - the center of a cambered road
detour, roundabout way - a roundabout road (especially one that is used temporarily while a main route is blocked)
parkway, drive - a wide scenic road planted with trees; "the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views"
driveway, private road, drive - a road leading up to a private house; "they parked in the driveway"
highway, main road - a major road for any form of motor transport
carrefour, crossroad, crossway, intersection, crossing - a junction where one street or road crosses another
rail line, railway line, line - the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
pavement, paving - the paved surface of a thoroughfare
post road - a road over which mail is carried
roadbed - a bed supporting a road
roadway - a road (especially that part of a road) over which vehicles travel
shortcut, crosscut, cutoff - a route shorter than the usual one
berm, shoulder - a narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road; "the car pulled off onto the shoulder"
side road - a minor road branching off of a main road
skid road - a road made of logs on which freshly cut timber can be hauled
speedway - road where high speed driving is allowed
thoroughfare - a public road from one place to another
cart track, cartroad, track - any road or path affording passage especially a rough one
rotary, roundabout, traffic circle, circle - a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island; "the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary"
turnaround - an area sufficiently large for a vehicle to turn around
turnoff - a side road where you can turn off; "I missed the turnoff and went 15 miles out of my way"
turnout, widening - a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park
way - any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"
2.road - a way or means to achieve something; "the road to fame"
means, way, agency - how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
royal road - an auspicious way or means to achieve something; "the royal road to success"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. roadway, street, highway, motorway, track, direction, route, path, lane, avenue, artery, pathway, carriageway, thoroughfare, course There was very little traffic on the roads.
2. way, course, direction, route, path on the road to recovery
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


A course affording passage from one place to another:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إخْتِصار لِكَلِمَة: طريقطَريقطَرِيقطَريق، مَسْلَكعلى طَريق السُّقوط والدَّمار
leiîleiî, vegurvegur-vegur, -gata
kelio darbaikelio užtvarakelių transportukelių žemėlapispakelė
con đường


A. N
1. (residential: Road) → calle f; (= main road) → carretera f; (= route) → camino m; (= surface) → firme m; (= roadway, not pavement) → calzada f
at the 23rd kilometre on the Valencia roaden el kilómetro 23 de la carretera de Valencia
"road narrows"estrechamiento de la calzada
"road up"cerrado por obras
across the roadal otro lado de la calle
she lives across the road from usvive en frente de nosotros
by roadpor carretera
to hold the road [car] → agarrar, tener buena adherencia
to be off the road [car] → estar fuera de circulación
to be on the road (= be travelling) → estar en camino (Comm) → ser viajante de comercio (Mus, Theat) → estar de gira
the dog was wandering on the roadel perro iba andando por mitad de la calzada
he shouldn't be allowed on the roadno deberían permitirle conducir
my car is on the road againhe vuelto a poner mi coche en circulación
to take the roadponerse en camino (to X para ir a X) to take to the road [tramp] → ponerse en camino
the road to Teruelel camino de Teruel
2. (fig)
somewhere along the roadtarde o temprano
our relationship has reached the end of the roadnuestras relaciones han llegado al punto final
to be on the right roadir por buen camino
the road to successel camino del éxito
he's on the road to recoveryse está reponiendo
we're on the road to disastervamos camino del desastre
one for the roadla penúltima
to have one for the roadtomarse la penúltima (copa)
the road to hell is paved with good intentionscon buenas intenciones no basta
see also Rome
3. (fig) (= way) to get out of the roadquitarse de en medio
4. roads (Naut) (= roadstead) → rada fsing
B. CPD road accident Naccidente m de tráfico, accidente m de circulación, accidente m de tránsito (LAm)
road book Nlibro m de mapas e itinerarios
road bridge Npuente m de carretera
road construction Nconstrucción f de carreteras
road haulage Ntransporte m por carretera
road haulier N (= company) → compañía f de transporte por carretera; (= person) → transportista mf
road hump Nbanda f sonora, banda f de desaceleración
road junction Nempalme m
road manager N (Mus) → encargado/a m/f del transporte del equipo
road map N (lit) → mapa m de carreteras; (for future actions) → hoja f de ruta
road map to peacehoja f de ruta para la paz
road metal Ngrava f, lastre m
road movie Npelícula f de carretera, road movie f
road pricing N (Brit) sistema electrónico que permite el cobro de peaje a conductores en ciertas carreteras
road race Ncarrera f en carretera
road racer N (Cycling) → ciclista mf de fondo en carretera
road rage N conducta agresiva de los conductores
road repairs NPLobras fpl en la vía
road roller Napisonadora f
road safety Nseguridad f vial
road sense Nconocimiento m de la carretera
road sign Nseñal f de tráfico
road sweeper N (= person) → barrendero/a m/f; (= vehicle) → máquina f barrendera
road tax Nimpuesto m de rodaje
road test Nprueba f en carretera
road traffic accident N = road accident road transport Ntransportes mpl por carretera
road trial N = road test road user Nusuario/a m/f de la vía pública
road vehicle Nvehículo m de motor, vehículo m de carretera
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(for travelling)route f
There's a lot of traffic on the roads → Il y a beaucoup de circulation sur les routes.
main road → grande route
major road → grande route
minor road → voie f secondaire
by road
It takes four hours by road → Il y a quatre heures de route.
to travel by road (by car)voyager en voiture
They will travel by road to Jordan → Ils iront en Jordanie en voiture.; (by bus)voyager en bus
They will travel by road to Jordan → Ils iront en Jordanie en bus.
"road up" (British)"attention travaux"
to be on the road [person, driver] → être sur la route; [band] → être en tournée
to hit the road again → reprendre la route
Let's hit the road! → En route!
(in town) (= street) → rue f
They live across the road → Ils habitent de l'autre côté de la rue.
(fig) (= way) → chemin, voie f
on the road to success → sur le chemin de la réussite
to be on the road to recovery → être en voie de guérison
modif [access, link, transport, network, system] → routier/ière; [building, closures] → de routes; [maintenance] → des routesroad accident naccident m de la circulationroad atlas natlas m routier
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Straße f; “road up” (Brit) → „Straßenbauarbeiten“; “road narrows”„Straßenverengung“; by road (send sth) → per Spedition; (travel) → mit dem Bus/Auto etc; she lives across the road (from us)sie wohnt gegenüber (von uns); my car is off the road just nowich kann mein Auto momentan nicht benutzen; my car has never been/is never off the roadmein Auto war noch nie/ist nie in der Werkstatt; I hope to put the car back on the road soonich hoffe, das Auto bald wieder fahren zu können; this vehicle shouldn’t be on the roaddas Fahrzeug ist nicht verkehrstüchtig; he is a danger on the roader ist eine Gefahr für den Straßenverkehr; to take to the roadsich auf den Weg machen, losfahren; (as tramp) → Vagabund werden; to be on the road (= travelling)unterwegs sein; (theatre company) → auf Tournee sein; (car) → fahren; is this the road to London?geht es hier nach London?; the London roaddie Straße nach London; “Westlands/London road„Westlandsstraße/Londoner Straße; to have one for the road (inf)zum Abschluss noch einen trinken; gentleman of the roadVagabund m
(fig)Weg m; you’re on the right road (lit, fig)Sie sind auf dem richtigen Weg; on the road to ruin/successauf dem Weg ins Verderben/zum Erfolg; somewhere along the road he changed his mindirgendwann hat er seine Meinung geändert; you’re in my road (Brit dial inf) → du bist mir im Weg; (get) out of the road! (Brit dial inf) → geh weg!; any road (Brit dial inf) = anyhow
roads pl (Naut) → Reede f
(US) = railroad


in cpdsStraßen-;
road accident
road book
nStraßenatlas m
road conditions
road construction
n (US) → Straßenbau m
road contractor
nFuhrunternehmer(in) m(f); (= company)Fuhrunternehmen nt
road-fund licence
n (Brit) → ˜ Verkehrssteuer f
road haulage
n (esp Brit) → Spedition f
road haulier, (US) road hauler
nSpediteur(in) m(f); (= company)Spedition f
road hog
n (inf)Verkehrsrowdy m (inf)
roadholding (ability)
nStraßenlage f; (of tyres)Griffigkeit f
nRasthaus nt


road improvement
nStraßenausbau m
nStraßenbau m
n (inf)Straßenbauarbeiter m
road manager
n (of pop group)Roadmanager(in) m(f)
nStraßenbauarbeiter(in) m(f)
road metal
road movie
nRoadmovie nt
road pricing
road race
road racer
n (= bicycle)Rennrad nt (für Straßenrennen)
road rage
road rager
naggressiver Straßenverkehrsteilnehmer, aggressive Straßenverkehrsteilnehmerin
road safety
road salt
nStreusalz nt
road sense
nVerkehrssinn m
road show
n (Theat) → Tournee f
nStraßenrand m; along or by the roadam Straßenrand
adj stall, toilet, puban der Straße; a road bombeine Bombe, die im Straßengraben versteckt ist; road checkStraßenkontrolle f; road ditchStraßengraben m; road repairs (professional) → Sofortdienst m; (done alone) → Reparatur fam Straßenrand; road shrineWegkreuz nt
n(Straßen)verkehrszeichen nt
n (Naut) → Reede f


n (= person)Straßenkehrer(in) m(f); (= vehicle)Straßenkehrmaschine f
road tax
n (Brit) → Kraftfahrzeugsteuer f
road test
nStraßentest m
vtProbe fahren
road toll
nStraßenbenutzungsgebühr f, → Maut(gebühr) f
road traffic accident
road transport
nStraßengüterverkehr m
road trials
pl (= road-test)Straßentest m; (= rally)Straßenwettbewerb m
road user
nVerkehrsteilnehmer(in) m(f)
nFahrbahn f
n (Sport) → Straßentraining nt
pl (Brit) → Straßenbauarbeiten pl
n (of car)Verkehrstüchtigkeit f, → Verkehrssicherheit f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n (route) (fig) → strada, via; (residential, Road) → via
main road → strada principale
A-/B-road → strada statale/secondaria
country road → strada di campagna
it takes 4 hours by road → sono 4 ore di macchina (or in camion )
just across the road (from) → proprio di fronte a
to be off the road (car, for repairs) → essere in riparazione (laid up) → essere fuori uso
he shouldn't be allowed on the road → dovrebbero togliergli la patente
that car shouldn't be allowed on the road → non dovrebbero lasciar circolare quella macchina
to hold the road (Aut) → tenere la strada
"road up" → "attenzione: lavori in corso"
to be on the road (pop group) → essere in tournée (salesman) → viaggiare
on the road to success → sulla via del successo
to take to the road (tramp) → darsi al vagabondaggio
to have one for the road (fam) → bere il bicchiere della staffa
somewhere along the road (fig) → a un certo punto
2. adj (accident, sign) → stradale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rəud) noun
1. a strip of ground usually with a hard level surface for people, vehicles etc to travel on. This road takes you past the school; (also adjective) road safety.
2. (often abbreviated to Rd when written) used in the names of roads or streets. His address is 24 School Road.
3. a route; the correct road(s) to follow in order to arrive somewhere. We'd better look at the map because I'm not sure of the road.
4. a way that leads to something. the road to peace; He's on the road to ruin.
ˈroadblock noun
a barrier put across a road (eg by the police) in order to stop or slow down traffic. to set up a roadblock.
road map
a map showing the roads of (part of) a country.
ˈroadside noun
the ground beside a road. flowers growing by the roadside; (also adjective) a roadside café.
ˈroadway noun
the part of a road on which cars etc travel. Don't walk on the roadway.
ˈroadworks noun plural
the building or repairing of a road. The traffic was held up by the roadworks.
ˈroadworthy adjective
good enough or safe to be used on the road. Is this car roadworthy?
ˈroadworthiness noun
by road
in a lorry, car etc. We'll send the furniture by road rather than by rail; We came by road.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


طَرِيق silnice vej Straße δρόμος carretera tie route cesta strada 道路 weg vei droga estrada, rodovia дорога väg ถนน yol con đường 道路
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. camino, carretera; curso.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
Summary: Third and fourth phases of the Expo 2020 road network development opens to public
'The inventory of road networks can be [carried out] so that we can identify which road network has problem of congestion because of sidewalks and streets being occupied by illegal structures or illegal occupants,' DILG Undersecretary Epimaco Densing III was quoted as saying following a Metro Manila Commission meeting.
The Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland (SCOTS) has organised the study, which is aimed at gauging users' satisfaction with their local road network.
MULTAN -- The Multan Development Authority (MDA) enforcement unit demolished road network, sewage and boundary walls of different plots of two illegal land sub division here on Wednesday.
KARACHI -- Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has approved $6 million Sindh Road Network Master Plan and Institutional Strengthening Trainings under which a detailed study of existing road network will be carried out.
The road network of the area is nothing to write home about, a situation that has forced vehicles to avoid the area giving way to okada (commercial motorcycle) business.
He reveals that Liberia has about 12,000 kilometers of road network, but it has less than 1,000 kilometers paved.'Road works are expensive.
The KPT chairman acknowledged that the South Asia Pakistan Terminal (SAPT) was surrounded by thickly populated localities and has no direct link with any major road network of Karachi for quick movement of port traffic.
The management of a hotel in Boracay has agreed to demolish its property to pave the way for the completion of a road network project, according to Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu.
The road network plan and its approved annual budget are two of the requirements the provincial government lacks to get its share of the conditional matching grant to provinces (CMGP), a funding windfall from the DILG.
QNA Doha Almost 95 percent work on the road network and other projects will be completed in 2019, Public Works Authority (Ashghal) President Dr Eng Saad al Mohannadi has said, adding that road network in the country has increased by more than three times in the past five years since 2013 In a presentation before the Advisory (Shura) Council on Monday, Mohannadi said the length of road network increased from 1,700 km in 2013 to 6,000 km in 2018, while the capacity of sewage has been doubled and rainwater increased seven times.
On the UK's road network, the survey found that 62% of businesses regard the UK road network as less reliable compared to five years ago.