Raymond Chandler

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Related to Raymond Chandler: Dashiell Hammett
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Noun1.Raymond Chandler - United States writer of detective thrillers featuring the character of Philip Marlowe (1888-1959)
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1888: Crime novelist Raymond Chandler - creator of Philip Marlowe - was born in Chicago.
Taking the baton from Daly, authors like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler became titans of the genre.
Ballard, Robert Leslie Bellem, Erle Stanley Gardner, Craig Rice, David Markson, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Mickey Spillane, John D.
Using such authors as Raymond Chandler and James M.
There's no shortage of opportunities to follow in the footsteps of icons (and their protagonists) at destinations like John Steinbeck's Cannery Row, Jack London's Yukon Territory, Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles, and M.RK.
Just ask Raymond Chandler or John le Carre or Dorothy B.
And Lepionka (think Raymond Chandler with a female brain) deals with mental health issues by confronting them rather than writing them away as artistic flourishes, the simple side effect of what a good P.I.
A classic film noir, written by Raymond Chandler. Alan Ladd stars as a navy man returning home to his wife to find she has been unfaithful.
Crime writer Raymond Chandler, who created the archetypal private eye Philip Marlowe, wrote: "Down these mean streets a man must go." Scots authors Stuart MacBride, Neil Broadfoot and Malcolm Mackay have followed in those often bloody footsteps - focussing on the darker side of Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, respectively.
John Banville, the Irish author here writing under his pen name of Benjamin Black, has written a book certain to give exquisite pleasure to the many fans of Raymond Chandler and his creation, LA private detective Philip Marlowe with a reputation as a "thinking man's detective.".
I was inspired to write by Raymond Chandler's The Long Goodbye.