razor blade

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also ra·zor blade  (rā′zər-blād′)
A thin, sharp-edged piece of steel that can be fitted into a razor.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

razor blade

(Hairdressing & Grooming) a small rectangular piece of metal sharpened on one or both long edges for use in a razor for shaving
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
lưỡi dao cạo

razor blade

nlametta (da barba)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

razor blade

شَفْرَةُ الـحَلَاقَة žiletka barberblad Rasierklinge λεπίδα ξυραφιού cuchilla de afeitar partaterä lame de rasoir žilet lama del rasoio 安全かみそりの刃 면도날 scheermesje barberblad żyletka lâmina de barbear лезвие бритвы rakblad ใบมีดโกน tıraş bıçağı lưỡi dao cạo 剃须刀片
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
She disposed of the razor blade to prevent it harming children or animals, and expressed concern that animals both domestic and wild could eat discarded food and become poorly.
A TEENAGER who raped four victims and horrifically attacked a fifth with a razor blade has been jailed for six years.
DOG owners who found a razor blade concealed inside a tennis ball at a popular country park have issued a warning to other pet owners.
According to reports, Amed SK player Mansur Calar concealed a sharp object - believed to be a razor blade - in his hands during the pre-game handshakes.
ISTANBUL: A Turkish court on Monday granted the conditional release of a footballer accused of slashing rival players with a razor blade during a third-tier fixture at the weekend, local media reported.
The OneBlade Core Black Tie Shave Kit ($129) contains a Core Razor, Anodized Aluminum Razor Display Stand, Feather FHS-10 blades (30-pack), Lavender Shave Cream and Aftershave Balm, Tuxedo Synthetic Shaving Brush, and Razor Blade Disposal Kit.
The 12-year-old, from Normanby, spat the mouthful of cake out and when he and mum Clare, a nurse, took a closer look, they discovered what they believed was a metal razor blade about half the size of Clare's little finger and with a sharp edge running along one side.
"So he was anaesthetised and I removed the razor blade, and a lot of food, from his stomach.
Brian Kinsella dropped a knife as he took a seat in the police vehicle while a search uncovered a razor blade in his pocket.
Then, in the 1960s, I was a member of the Wilkinson Sword R&D Team responsible for the introduction of the 'first' Teflon (PTFE --Polytetrafluoroethylene) coated double-edged stainless steel safety razor blade. When seen under a powerful microscope, the razor blade edge has three angles, blending into each other, and a relatively 'rounded tip' to prevent the blade from cutting into the skin; a PTFE coating makes shaving safer, comfortable and smoother.
(http://myfox8.com/2014/11/01/razor-blade-found-in-nc-halloween-candy-according-to-police/) North Carolina parents found a razor blade inside of a Twix wrapper in their child's trick-or-treat bag, while parents in (http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/breaking/razor-found-in-halloween-candy-vineland-police-say/article_8aa3e520-6418-11e4-ac4e-63a43bfc34b3.html) Vineland, New Jersey found a razor blade in their child's Tootsie Roll.
HOW RAZOR BLADE PRICES HAVE RISEN MEN'S 2014 2016 Gillette Fusion Power x4 PS12.04 PS13.71 Wilkinson Sword Hydro 5 Blades x4 PS8.79 PS9.27 WOMEN'S Gillette for Women Venus Razor x4 PS7.55 PS8.22 Wilkinson Sword Quattro for Women Razor x3 PS6.67 PS6.72 *prices from MYSUPERMARKET.co.uk