Rappahannock River

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Rap·pa·han·nock River

A river of northeast Virginia rising in the Blue Ridge Mountains and flowing about 340 km (210 mi) generally southeast to form a long estuary that empties into Chesapeake Bay.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Rappahannock River - a river that flows across eastern Virginia into the Tidewater region
Old Dominion, Old Dominion State, VA, Virginia - a state in the eastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies; one of the Confederate States in the American Civil War
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
I went, as I have said, over the bay, to the place where my brother, once a husband, lived; but I did not go to the same village where I was before, but went up another great river, on the east side of the river Potomac, called Rappahannock River, and by this means came on the back of his plantation, which was large, and by the help of a navigable creek, or little river, that ran into the Rappahannock, I came very near it.
In vivid language, she described crossing the Rappahannock River under fire to succor wounded Union soldiers at Fredericksburg, transporting critical supplies to field hospitals at Antietam, and enduring searing heat and brackish water on the sun-scorched beaches of South Carolina.
It discusses the problems of command and strategy from Brandy Station to the Buckland Races, as the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia took the war above Rappahannock River in an effort to regain the initiative and losses to the Union in Pennsylvania.
This peninsula is bounded by the Potomac River on the north and the Rappahannock River on the south.
The little town of Fredericksburg on the Rappahannock River is rich in history, having played a role in both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
Nutrients, chlorophyll and biotic metrics in the Rappahannock River estuary: Implications of urbanisation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA.
virginica from several different domesticated lines developed by ABC were sampled from four different waterways around the Chesapeake Bay: York River, Cherrystone Inlet, Rappahannock River, and Milford Haven.
Meade and Lee After Gettysburg details how Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis and their senior commanders coped with the strategic dilemmas they faced once the battle lines had been reestablished along the Rappahannock River, and how each side sought an opening to resume the offensive, the efforts triggering a series of bloody clashes at Brandy Station, Culpeper Courthouse, and Jack's Shop.
Both the verified and suspected shortnose sturgeon were collected at the mouth of the Rappahannock River, a marine portion of the Chesapeake Bay estuary.
Best known for his Civil War exploits-from leading the 7th Michigan Volunteer Infantry across the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg in the first daylight amphibious assault in American history, to his defense of the Union line on day one of Gettysburg--Baxter accomplished these despite having no prewar military training.
For one thing, Washington lived near the Rappahannock River, not the Potomac.

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