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designating the period of life immediately following adolescence, usually the early twenties to early thirties
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Actress Emily Atack, who was in I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here, said recently that young people like her were in a "quarterlife crisis club" and "forced into adulthood when we still feel like teenagers".
Jon had worked in pubs until he was 25 and got a job at Northumbria University as a data analyst, but took voluntary redundancy at 31 "when I had a bit of a quarterlife crisis".
He had what he now calls a "quarterlife crisis", after claiming he'd started drinking "Pernod instead of sherry for breakfast".
In the age of millennials, where choice is virtually unlimited, choosing a career path is a quarterlife crisis waiting to happen.
Like Bertsche, Bonior focuses on young women, especially in the transition from the potential friends available in the dorm to what she calls the "Quarterlife crisis" of finding friends after college when living independently and working a first job, again a set of criteria implying her class and demographic assumptions about educated, employed, heteronormative, urban women (xvii).
Five years ago, when Tumi Diseko suffered a "quarterlife crisis" while working with an NGO in Johannesburg, she chose a career option few other South Africans would have considered.
Correltes and predictors of life satisfaction among 18 to 35-year olds: An exploration of the 'quarterlife crisis' phenomenon.
Keira Knightley stars as a 27-year-old having a quarterlife crisis
A WOMAN in the throes of a quarterlife crisis abandons her life to hang out with a 16-year-old girl.
Say When 99mins 15 A WOMAN in the throes of a quarterlife crisis abandons her life to hang out with a 16yearold girl.
Navigating the Quarterlife Crisis with Wisdom and Skill a self-memoir based on an idea that Jackson created to overcome the anxieties that gripped her mid-twenties.
Edward Zwick's "Quarterlife," back in 2007, was one of the first, but it (http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/02/28/us-quarterlife-idUSN2748604320080228) died a quick death despite being briefly picked up by NBC.