quartermaster general

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Noun1.quartermaster general - a staff officer in charge of supplies for a whole army
staff officer - a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
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Quartermaster General

nGeneralquartiermeister m
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References in periodicals archive ?
Historical Branch Office of the Quartermaster General, Washington, DC; 1957.
Jones is the Quartermaster School deputy commandant and senior civilian advisor to the Quartermaster General. He holds a bachelor's degree in plant and soil science from Virginia State University and a master's degree in agronomy from the Ohio State University.
In early 1913, these criteria figured prominently in a response from Quartermaster General Danilov to a query from Lieutenant General Kliuev about the constituent components of mobilization.
quartermaster general, sent troops fanning out to battlefields throughout the country to uncover forgotten gravesites.
Others say he could be given the Gujranwala command, which according to one insider, under the initial scheme of things, was to be taken up by Quartermaster General Lt Gen Sajjad Ghani.
The position of constructing quartermaster carried a great deal of responsibility, acting as the direct representative of the Quartermaster General in his principal construction duties.
Were it not for the work of the new Quartermaster General, Hans Groener, working with the newly proclaimed republican government under Friedrich Ebert, the vestiges of military authority might easily have melted away and the level of chaos been much greater.
NEWMAN, THE ICONIC AUTHOR OF A trilogy on the Hudson's Bay Company, once told me an anecdote about meeting a new quartermaster general of the HBC.
Units are evaluated on several criteria, with up to 10% of the total score reserved for areas of special emphasis by the Army G4 and/or the Quartermaster General.
Set aside in 1864 by Union Quartermaster General Montgomery C.
Chips was proposed for the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and the Quartermaster General's Certificate of Citation--all to be denied or revoked in the end because, in the ranking of species, he was only a dog.

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