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Related to quartertone: Quarter tone scale


Half a semitone.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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However, she later took up the flugelhorn - which she described as being similar to a trumpet, but with a warmer tone - and has even created her own instrument, the quartertone flugelhorn, specially for a piece she wrote for the London Symphony Orchestra's Soundhub scheme.
This partition of the colour wheel naturally gave rise to deliberations about the analogy with the tonal system, comprising 12 tempered semitones or 24 quartertones. Accordingly, it would suffice to allocate each of the 24 hues one degree from the quartertone (bichromatic) scale in the manner Pone knew from Alois Haba, which resulted in 24 pairs forming one relation system.
(34) Instead, it may be more beneficial to provide information pertaining only to the direction (sharp or flat) and magnitude (quartertone) of the error.
It will focus on improvisation, extended techniques and the quartertone flute.
However, a misreading of the Essay on the Art of Music, found in an extensive literature on the theory of Arabic music, led to the commonly-spread belief that Mishaqa was the founder of the twenty-four equal quartertone scale.
And a fundamental tone of G raised by, say, a quartertone, may be perceived as dissonant when sounded above an ordinary C (creating an interval of 750 or 752 cents) because of the beats it creates with the G of the third, sixth, or twelfth partials of the C.
"Very similar to our quartertone," she said, was midtone dot gain in the 25-30% range.
Maalouf plays a quartertone trumpet -- which his father Nassim Maalouf is credited with having pioneered.
Alois Haba's most significant and distinctive pieces written using his microtonal system in the inter-war years include the quartertone opera Matka/Mother (1930), and the sixth-tone Duo for Two Violins (1937) and sixth-tone Six Pieces for Harmonium of 1937.
It turns out that quartertone music became so relevant to our time, that many composers are working in this direction independently from each other.
The music was built around incremental chord changes that recalled a quartertone maqam melody.
His next important step was rehearsal for the premiere of Haba's quartertone opera "Mother" in Munich (see also CM 3/05).