Pinus radiata

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Related to Pinus radiata: Radiata pine
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Pinus radiata - tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured barkPinus radiata - tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured bark
pine, pine tree, true pine - a coniferous tree
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References in periodicals archive ?
The mainstay of the booming timber industry is the Monterey pine, known to the world as Pinus radiata but officially titled in Chile the pino insigne or "distinguished pine." An entire volume could be written on the history of this tree, introduced into Chile by a happy error.
The similar [alpha] parameter for static bending for two species mirrors the similar species results that Evans (2006) found for parameter estimation when calibrating Eucalyptus delegatensis and Pinus radiata (radiata pine) to sonic resonance MOE.
Sustaintainable Management of Pinus radiata plantations
The predominantly forest surrounding that characterized the region of Bio-Bio, Chile, as the first Pinus radiata commercial growing area of the country, as well as the geographical concentration of large board and panel industries established in this area, invite the industrial designers to develop innovative materials that increase the economical and emotional value of this raw wood material.
During the 1990s, land under pasture in New Zealand was converted to exotic forest plantations, predominantly Pinus radiata D.
O crescimento e desenvolvimento de alface foram inibidos por restos de Pinus radiata e Eucalyptus globulus, cujo efeito alelopatico foi atribuido principalmente a compostos fenolicos (SOUTO et al., 1994).