Pinus virginiana

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Related to Pinus virginiana: scrub pine
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Pinus virginiana - common small shrubby pine of the eastern United States having straggling often twisted or branches and short needles in bunches of 2Pinus virginiana - common small shrubby pine of the eastern United States having straggling often twisted or branches and short needles in bunches of 2
pine, pine tree, true pine - a coniferous tree
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References in periodicals archive ?
It, along with Pinus rigida (pitch pine), Pinus echinata (shortleaf pine), and Pinus virginiana (Virginia pine), forms small conifer-dominated communities throughout the hardwood forests of the Appalachian Mountains.
In the tree stratum, dominant species were Quercus prinus, Pinus echinata, Pinus virginiana, Quercus velutina, and Oxydendrum arboreum.
Tang & Newton (2004) verificaram que o conteudo de poliaminas, presente nos calos nao oxidados de Pinus virginiana, mantevese ao longo dos 35 dias de cultivo, o que nao ocorreu nos calos oxidados, demonstrando que as poliaminas foram efetivas em proteger as celulas e tecidos da oxidacao, como tambem relatado por Debiasi et al.
La reproduccion in vitro de pinaceas como Pinus sylvestris (Lelu et al., 1999), Pinus pinea (Gonzalez et al., 1998), Pinus banksiana (Pelletier y Laliberte, 2000), Picea glauca (Ashihara et al., 2001) y Pinus virginiana (Tang et al., 2004) se ha llevado a cabo utilizando embriones u organos de plantulas, como los cotiledones.
This epithet may refer to the plant's original habitat: for instance, Pinus virginiana for the pitch pine native to eastern North America; to the plant collector who discovered it in the wild, perhaps fortunei if, as in the case of the rhododendron, it was first brought into cultivation by Robert Fortune (1812-1880); or to some other distinguishing characteristic such as white-flowered, in which case it might be called albiflorens.