
(redirected from Myspa)
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Related to Myspa: MySpace


(Communications & Information) a popular social networking website
vb (tr; sometimes not cap)
1. (Communications & Information) to search for (a person's profile) on the MySpace website
2. (Communications & Information) to upload (text, music, video, etc) to the MySpace website
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Sit back on the sofa and treat your feet to a MySpa relaxing foot spa, pounds 39.99 from HoMedics,
KM HoMedics MySpa Relaxing Foot Spa, pounds 39.99 After a long day at work, soaking my feet in this was exactly what I needed.
MySpa summer charity event in support of Claire House an evening of pampering, Pimms and cupcakes in return for donations to the charity.
MYSPA Clinics, in Liverpool, have a two stage "My Holiday" package which aims to tackle every inch of your body.
Now he works as a full-time non-surgical practitioner at MySpa Clinic, in Liverpool, one of the UK's leading cosmetic clinics.
He is based at the recently opened MySpa, a luxury cosmetic spa in Liverpool which offers surgical, non surgical and beauty procedures.
If either of the above scenarios applies to you then MySpa Clinics in Liverpool have the solution.
It's great news for my future and I'd never go back to not having it," says Jayne who had her treatment at Liverpool's MySpa based on Brunswick Way.
The new MySpa clinic officially opened last week with a glittering Champagne launch.
Wirral entrepreneur Carl Lewis has taken over the property as the location for the Liverpool site of his growing group of luxury clinics, MySpa. It opened this week.
With a CV in semi-permanent make-up going back some 18 years, Louise Walsh is one of the most experienced artists in the world and can currently be found at Liverpool's newest cosmetic spa, MySpa.
THE Bootle-born entrepreneur Carl Lewis will open his latest cosmetic clinic in Liverpool next Monday in a multi-million pound national roll-out of his MySpa chain.